標題: 品牌形象及個人涉入程度對雲端儲存服務 購買意願之影響
A Study of The Effect of Brand Image and Involvement on User’s Purchasing Intention of Cloud Storage Service
作者: 龔于鈞
Kung, Yu-Chun
關鍵字: 科技接受模型;雲端儲存服務;品牌形象;個人涉入程度;結構方程式;TAM;Cloud Storage Service;Brand Image;Involvement;SEM
公開日期: 2018
摘要: 目前台灣個人雲端儲存服務的市場競爭越來越激烈,不只國外大廠(如Google, Microsoft, Box等),連台灣本土的廠商(如:中華電信、遠傳等)也加入分食此大餅。先前關於雲端服務的文獻多著墨在資訊安全相關之議題,此研究將以使用者角度為出發點,去探討能讓現有的雲端儲存服務使用者進而付費購買雲端儲存服務之誘因。 大部分的台灣雲端儲存服務使用者仍多為初階使用者(免費帳戶使用者)為主,因為大部分使用者仍多只利用雲端儲存服務進行檔案備份及分享檔案之功能,對於付費的功能還沒有那麼大的需求,要如何讓這些使用者進而付費購買較高階的雲端儲存服務,將會是多數廠商想探討之議題。 本研究將以品牌形象因素去探討國外大廠及小品牌在雲端儲存服務上之策略差異之建議;以個人涉入程度高低的不同區分出不同的使用者族群,以提供給廠商作為市場區別策略之建議。 本篇文章以Davis學者於1989年所提出的科技接受模型(Technology Acceptance Model, TAM)為研究架構,投入品牌形象、個人涉入程度作為外生變數。本研究利用電子問卷發放之方式,分析了417個有效樣本,並以結構方程式(Structural Equation Modeling, SEM)分析其關連性。研究結論發現,品牌形象、個人涉入程度對知覺易用性及知覺有用性皆有顯著影響,而知覺易用性會影響知覺有用性,且知覺影用性會影響使用態度進而影響購買意願。
As the competition of personal cloud storage market in Taiwan is more and more intense, not only foreign manufacturers (such as Google, Microsoft, Box, etc.), even Taiwan's local manufacturers (such as China Telecom, Far East Tone) also joined to this market. The previous literature on cloud services focused more on information security issues, but this study will take the view from user's side to explore the purchase intention for existing cloud storage service users. Most of the Taiwanese users of cloud storage service are still at the light level (free account users) because most of the users just use the cloud storage service for file backup and file sharing, they don’t have an intention to pay for the advanced and paid function. How to make these users pay for the purchase of cloud storage services, will be an issue which is the majority of manufacturers want to explore. Based on these viewpoints, our study focused on the subjects of brand image and involvement. We try to find how those factors affect users to pay for the cloud storage service. We adopted the technology acceptance model (TAM) proposed by Davis (1989) as the research framework and selected the exogenous variables such as brand image and involvement. This study used the web-based survey as means of an investigation, and collected 417 valid questionnaires, and analyzed it by structural equation modeling (SEM). This study found the brand image and the involvement both have a significant impact on the perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness, and perceived ease of use will affect perceived usefulness, and perceived usefulness will affect the use of attitudes and the influence of behavioral intention of using.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070353125