標題: 股權結構對台灣地區銀行業者分項產出效率之影響
The Effects of Ownership Structure on Disaggregate Output Efficiency of the Banks in Taiwan
作者: 鄭凱桓
Cheng, Kai-Huan
Hu, Jin-Li
關鍵字: 銀行業;資料包絡分析法;差額變數衡量法;分項產出效率;股權結構;Bank;Data Envelopment Analysis;Slack-Based Measure (SBM);Output Efficiency;Ownership Structure
公開日期: 2018
摘要: 本文使用無導向模型的差額變數衡量法分析台灣地區32間商業銀行在2011年至2015年的分項產出效率,分別有利息收入效率、投資效率、信用卡手續費收入效率及其他手續費收入效率等四個。研究結果顯示台灣地區銀行業者在各項產出的使用效率上,利息收入效率表現最好,手續費收入效率表現最不好,表示銀行業者若要提升整體的經營效率,可先在此產出項的效率進行改善。此外,本文欲探討不同股權結構下分項產出效率的差異,將我國銀行為公股、民營、外商在台銀行等三類,研究結果顯示公股、民營和外商在台銀行這三類在每個分項產出效率上都有顯著的差異。外商在台銀行在各個分項產出效率的表現都是最好的,而公股銀行在現今日益重要的手續費收入效率上 (信用卡手續費收入效率、其他手續費收入效率) 表現較不出色,故若要提升整體的經營績效,需優先改善此業務。
This paper uses the slack-based measurement (SBM) of the non-oriented model to estimate disaggregate output efficiency of the 32 commercial banks in Taiwan from 2011 to 2015. This study indicates that the average score of interest income efficiency is the best in Taiwan, and the average score of fee income efficiency is the worst. In addition, we categorize these banks into the public, private, and foreign banks to find their differences in disaggregate output efficiency. Our findings show there are significant differences among public, private, and foreign banks. Foreign banks have the highest interest income, investment, credit card fee income, and other fee income efficiency scores. Public banks should improve their fee income efficiency in order to increase their operational efficiency.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070453755