標題: 創業生態系統中育成經營轉型策略之研究
A Study of Business Incubator’s Transformation Strategy in the Entrepreneurial Eco-System
作者: 林伯恒
Lin, Boheng
Yuan, Benjaming
關鍵字: 創業生態系統;育成中心;商業加速器;轉型策略;Entrepreneurial ecosystem;Business Incubator;Business Accelerator;Transformation Strategy
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 育成中心發展期間的經營模式在歷經台灣產業變遷的過程中相較穩定,透過空間租賃與創業輔導,提供一個創造就業與稅賦的中介輔導單位。近五至十年來肇因科技突破創新,因而造就新的產業發展模式,大幅提高創業成功機會,導致創業的風潮逐年增加,原有的育成中心的輔導功能已不敷新世代創業者所需,此時加速器的出現對於育成中心的經營產生對比效應,仍有許多新的培育機構如雨後春筍般設立,以致在育成中心的經營上造成極大的競爭效果。 無論在育成中心或加速器的營運評估上,均將新創事業的培育與成長視為重要績效之一,迄今多數育成中心或加速器仍以局部資源作為基礎,並未事先針對自身組織特色進行整體規劃與經營,建立屬於自身的創業生態系統,因而除了少數國內育成中心或加速器著手建構以自身為核心的服務網絡外,似乎難以發展形成獨有特色。育成中心必須增加專業服務能量及擴大外部組織連結,積極創造培育新創事業的成效。 本研究觀察現有創新產業發展特性及育成中心及加速器營運模式,比較國內外文獻資料,彙整專家訪談意見並探索創業生態系統元素,另一方面藉由對現任育成中心經理人及創投業者問卷調查,以數量分析方法找出育成中心及加速器關鍵營運要素,利用創業生態系統進而定位育成中心的發展方向。而未來育成中心及加速器的轉型及組織變革必然建立在價值創造的目的之上,最後將以價值創造為主要思考途徑,以說明育成中心及加速器轉型發展策略。
An entrepreneurial ecosystem can be a mechanism in increase of entrepreneurship spirit, skill and support system that aggregate result in an increase in the social welfare. Besides the business incubator, the new mechanism of hatching startups are growing such as business accelerator, coworking space, maker space…etc. These places give startups value of the relationships, opportunities, and knowledge that they can access for business development. Thus, Taiwan highlight the importance of entrepreneurial service as startups creator and supporters. Whether the incubator or accelerator, the creation of startups is deemed to the important performance. Most of incubators and accelerators manage their local resources. An exclusive and networked service is necessary for incubator and accelerator to construct their own entrepreneurial ecosystem, otherwise it is difficult to create value for entrepreneurs. The observation of the role of incubator and accelerator in the entrepreneurial ecosystem provides the framework of their transformation strategy. The key elements of strategic development will be found and discussed. In the end, the case study of outstanding accelerator and accelerator can explan the strategic thinking and practice in building the exclusive entrepreneurial ecosystem.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT079835803