Title: 結合「翻轉教室」與「Q & A教學」策略對國中學生數學科學習成就與學習動機之影響-以七年級「二元一次方程式」課程為例
The Effects of Flipped Classroom Instruction Integrated with Q & A on Junior High School Students' Learning Achievement and Motivation in Mathematics: An Illustration with Bivariate Linear Equations
Authors: 洪杰志
Keywords: 翻轉教室;Q&A教學;二元一次方程式;Flipped classroom;Q & A teaching strategy;Dualistic equation
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: 「翻轉教室」(flipped classroom)是指翻轉「傳統教學上下課的運作方式」。一般傳統的上課方式是教師先在課堂上講解課本或是講義的內容,同學下課回家之後再做作業;而翻轉教室卻是學生先回家觀看教師事先做好的教學內容,之後上課再一起討論或做作業。 本研究所採用的是學生回家先看教師錄製好的教學影片,學生依自己的需求、速度來學習,做到「因材施教」的部份;另為了彌補「翻轉教室」自主學習缺少的師生互動,研究者再結合「Q & A教學」策略於線上即時回應學生的問題,讓學生在不懂的地方,除了反覆觀看影片外,也能利用線上「Q & A教學」得到適時的滿足。 研究採「準實驗研究法」以研究者所任教的新竹市某國中七年級四個班級為研究對象,其中兩個班級以「翻轉教室」模式上課為實驗組,共54人;另兩個班級以傳統講述式教學模式上課為控制組,共59人。兩組各進行三節課「二元一次方程式」的教學,隨後進行「二元一次方程式學習成就測驗」及「數學動機量表」前、後測。 研究結果顯示: 一、結合「翻轉教室」與「Q & A教學」策略的學習方式,確實能夠有效提升七年級學生「二元一次方程式」的學習。 二、結合「翻轉教室」與「Q & A教學」策略確實能夠有效提升學生的數學學習動機。 三、結合「翻轉教室」與「Q & A教學」策略與傳統講述式教學,對不同程度的七年級學生,其「二元一次方程式」學習成就表現上並無顯著差異。
"Flipped classroom" is an instructional strategy that reverses the traditional classroom instruction. In a traditinal classroom, the teacher delivers instructional content in class and students complete assignments at home. While in a flipped classroom, students watch online instructional content at home, and discuss concepts in the classroom with the guidance of the instructor. In this study, students watched online lecture prepared by the teacher at home and learned according to their needs and learning pace. To compensate for the lack of self-study student interaction, the researchers combined "Q & A teaching strategy" to respond to students' questions instantly online. With this strategy, students can solve their problems immediately. The study adopted a quasi-experimental design. The subjects were seventh grade students from four classes in Hsinchu, Taiwan. The experimental group which was assigned to the flipped classroom model consisted of two classes. The control group of two classes adopted a traditional teaching method. Each group was treated with three sessions of "dualistic equation", followed by "dualistic equation learning achievement test" and "Mathematics Motivation Scale" before and after the test. The findings of this study are listed as follows: 1. The integration of "flipped the classroom" and "Q & A teaching strategy" can effectively enhance seventh-graders' "dualistic equation" of learning. 2. The integration of "flipped the classroom" and "Q & A teaching strategy" can effectively enhance students' motivation to learn mathematics. 3. There is no significant difference in seventh-graders students’academic achievement of "dualistic equation" between the integration of "flipped the classroom" and "Q & A teaching strategy" and the traditional teaching method.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070152811
Appears in Collections:Thesis