標題: 兩岸政府政策的支持對電子商務發展的影響
The impact to e-commerce development from government strategy and support
作者: 李淑娟
Shieh, Gwo-wen
關鍵字: 政府;電子商務;Government;E-commerce
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 隨著電子商務蓬勃的發展,針對電子商務的研究,不管是從甚麼角度切入探討,都越來越緊抓大家的目光。近幾年來,隨著中國電子商務公司不斷的以高市場估值在中國或是美國成功風光上市,與中國毗鄰海峽的台灣,卻沒有類似耀眼的成績。目前探究文獻大部分專注於從電子商務產業的某一個角度切入去探討,也缺少同時比較兩岸電商發展之資料。本文則從政府政策出發,探討的電子商務比較之場域鎖定台灣與中國。詳細的整理比較兩岸在電子商務的政策,全面性的對比兩岸電商發展現況與政策差異,建立一個兩岸電子商務政策之比較平台,最終本研究針對兩岸政府的政策支持對於電子商務發展的影響,歸納出兩岸在電子商務之物流、金流、資訊流發展比較研究心得及結論並提出當發展電子商務產業時,實施政策之參考執行方向。
With the vigorous development of e-commerce, e-commerce for the research, attracting more and more attention no matter from what angle. In recent years, as the Chinese e-commerce company with high market valuations continued China-listed initial public offering and US-listed initial public offering. Taiwan adjacent to China has no such a dazzling performance. Currently most of the literature focuses on exploring from a certain angle to study e-commerce industry, but also lack of comparative data on both sides e-commerce company development. This paper try to look from government policies’point of view, start to explore e-commerce comparison between Taiwan and China. Summarize in detail and compare actual strait policy in e-commerce, comprehensively study current cross-strait e-commerce development and the development of policy similarities and differences. In this study, based on the governments policy support influence of developing e-commerce, we summed up the development of comparative research experience conclusions for the two sides in e-commerce logistics, cash flow, information flow, and when proposed development of e-commerce industry, government policies can be adopted to perform the reference direction.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070363106
Appears in Collections:Thesis