標題: 探討IC設計產業的知識整合模式之研究
A Study Investigating Knowledge Integration Model in IC Design Industry
作者: 陳瑞琦
Chen, Jui-Chi
Lee, Jong-Eao
關鍵字: 知識整合;知識創新;產業價值鏈;IC設計產業;Knowledge Integration;Knowledge Innovation;Industry Value Chain;IC Design Industry
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 在經濟架構瞬息萬變與國際市場競爭激烈的時代中,創新成為企業生存和持續發展的要素,也成為學術研究的關注領域。IC設計產業為典型的知識型產業,在產業價值鏈中,與合作企業、協力廠商共同進行知識創新活動。由於IC設計產業具高度技術依賴與高度知識密集特性的因素,使得知識整合活動對於IC設計產業來說,便顯得重要。如何透過知識整合模式使IC設計產業鏈中的上游設計端及下游應用端的知識、技術有所整合並創新,進一步達成企業的創新績效,為重要的課題。 本研究旨在透過質性之個案訪談,探討IC設計產業價值鏈中,從上游開發設計端到下游產品應用端中,對於企業及協力廠商知識整合模式之研究,並建立IC設計產業知識整合模式,從中了解組織的知識整合模式對於企業知識創新的影響與相關機制。 經由質性資料之整理與分析後,本研究發現,企業的知識整合可區分內部知識整合及外部知識整合,透過內、外部知識整合的機制,可為企業帶來知識創新;同時,在產業價值鏈中,上、下游廠商及協力廠商建立合作網路關係,具有促成企業知識創新的效果,而協力廠商的知識整合能力影響著企業合作網路的建立。本研究根據質性個案訪談資料,提出企業知識整合與知識創新之模式,藉由知識整合能力模式的建構,了解企業知識整合能力的影響因素以及可進一步了解對於創新績效的影響。根據本研究之結果,未來可進行實驗設計,進行相關實證研究。
In the era of economic framework rapidly changing and international market fierce competition, innovation has become the important factor for enterprise survival and inexhaustible development, and has also become a concern field in academic research. IC design industry is a typical knowledge-based industry, in the industrial value chain, with cooperation enterprises, third-parties together to do knowledge innovation activities. Since the IC design industry is highly dependent on technology and has knowledge-intensive characteristics with a high degree, making knowledge integration activities more important in the IC design industry. How to integrate knowledge through knowledge integration model in IC design industry chain from upstream end and downstream of the design application sides, technological innovation and consolidation and further reaching innovation performance, as an important issue. This study was designed by the cases of qualitative interviews to explore the IC design industry value chain, from the upstream end to the downstream product development and design in the application sides, to research integration model of knowledge of companies and third-parties, and to establish IC design industry knowledge integration model to learn about the organization's knowledge integration model for enterprise knowledge innovation influence and mechanism. Through finishing qualitative data analysis, the study found that corporate knowledge integration can be divided into internal knowledge integration and external knowledge integration, through internal and external knowledge integration mechanism for enterprise knowledge innovation, while in industry value chain, upstream end and downstream manufacturers and third-party network to establish cooperative relations, has contributed to knowledge innovation results, and the ability to integrate third-party knowledge affects the establishment of business cooperation networks. This study was based on qualitative interview cases to propose model of integration knowledge of enterprise knowledge innovation, with the construction of knowledge integration model to understand the factors that affect the ability to integrate business knowledge and further understanding of the innovation performance. According to the results of this study, future experimental can design related empirical research.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070352821