標題: 建構智能化製造執行系統-以H集團智能工廠公司為例
To Build a Intelligent MES System-A Case Study of Intelligent Factory Company of H Business Group
作者: 黃筱瀅
Huang, Hsiao-Ying
Li, Yung-Ming
關鍵字: 工業4.0;智慧工廠;智能製造執行系統;Industrie 4.0;Smart Factory;Intelligent MES
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 全球製造產業在觀察到德國率先提出「工業4.0」的概念之後,紛紛投入相關物聯網、大數據與感測器的資訊技術佈局,預期為製造工廠帶來更大的效益。美國啟動AMP計劃,支援先進技術,如3D Printing、Big Data 製造系統、先進機器人等,為美國未來製造模式。日本也積極發展融合先進機器人技術,推動人和機器協調共存的未來工廠。而中國在經過30多年的改革開放,已是世界公認的「世界工廠」。在看見德國「工業4.0」的成功與積極推動下,也提出朝德國「工業4.0」為目標戰略計劃的《中國製造2025》,為中國實施製造強國戰略第一個十年的行動綱領。全球製造產業在當今的趨勢中皆快速的應用先進的IT技術正在創造全新革命性的製造生產模式。 而半導體自動化與IT系統的發展已逾數十年,其軟體與硬體相關技術皆已相當成熟,在往「工業4.0」的腳步已具備紮實的根基。本研究以半導體已施行十餘年的通用製造執行相關系統模組標準為起點,再建構符合智能目的之通用製造執行系統平台與模組,藉以實現製造工廠智能化,使智能製造系統可跟進德國「工業4.0」願景之智慧工廠的智能目的,使其具備彈性與自主性特徵。並分析智能化之製造執行系統所衍生的創新商業模式,可為製造工廠所帶來的效益。
When “Industries 4.0” concept had been proposed by Germany, most factories in the world start to invest relative technologies, such like Internet of Things、big data, and sensors technologies, expecting to bring out more benefits for their factories. Like AMP project on America, which supports technologies of 3D printing、Robotics…etc. Japan also actively develops the integration of advanced robot technology to promote co-existence of man and machine factory of the future. In addition, China also made towards Germany "Industry 4.0" as the goal of the strategic plan of "Made in China 2025", the implementation of the Programme of Action for the Chinese manufacturing power by Today’s global manufacturing industry trends are rapid applications of advanced IT technologies in creating revolutionary new manufacturing activities. This thesis aims to build up Intelligent Manufacturing Executive System in order to follow “Industries 4.0” vision. Based on automation and IT systems, this research improves the system modules and functions with features of flexible and self-configuring for implementation of the intelligent manufacturing purpose. This thesis also analyzes the new business model of Intelligent Manufacturing Executive System and points out its benefit to the factories.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070363413