Title: 商業智慧系統應用於IC設計產業之個案研究
A Case Study of Applying Business Intelligence Systems to IC Design Industry
Authors: 何建璋
Ho, Chien-Chang
Liu, Duen-Ren
Keywords: IC設計;商業智慧;中小企業;IC Design;Business Intelligence;Small and Mid-size Business
Issue Date: 2008
Abstract: 本研究從商業智慧系統於企業裡的資訊系統中扮演之角色與重要性為出發點,以E公司導入之商業智慧系統為研究對象,探討實務上商業智慧系統之建置與運用以及如何與商業智慧學理呼應與搭配,冀能對後續商業智慧之學術與實務發展有所裨益。透過訪談方式觀察導入實際資料及導入系統運作進行應用評估,來探討IC設計產業建構時所應具備架構內容,以及應注意之事項。研究結果發現,IC設計業者對商業智慧系統的成本考量與實際應用面最為重視,應依循使用者需求為導向,以協助企業擬定有效之行銷策略。期望此研究能做為IC設計產業未來建置商業智慧系統之參考。 本研究之貢獻則為提出一建置商業智慧系統的思考點-中小企業導入商業智慧之架構與彈性,並提出解決方案與範例,以供想導入或建置商業智慧系統之IC設計產業之中小企業做為參考,希望對開發商業智慧系統之軟體廠商有所幫助。
This research investigates the role and importance of Business Intelligence Systems (BIS) to enterprises, and uses the BIS of E Company in IC Design House as a case study to illustrate how to implement and construct the business intelligence system from theory to practice. Through the interview and observing the deployment of the BIS to the case company, we evaluate which kind of framework is needed and appropriate for IC Design industry to install the system. The findings of this study indicate that the cost and practical applications of business intelligence system are the two major considerations. In addition, the deployment of BIS should follow user’s need to assist firms make right marketing strategies. The contributions of this research are providing a viewpoint of constructing a flexible BIS framework for small and mid-size enterprises, and providing a BIS solution and example for small and mid-size companies in the IC Design Industry. Our research result also provides useful references for the BIS software developer.
Appears in Collections:Thesis