標題: 國小四年級客語沉浸教學對學童客語聽說能力的影響
Influence of a Grade 4 Hakka Language Immersion Program on Schoolchildren's Hakka Listening and Speaking Competence
作者: 張瑞菊
Jui-chu Chang
關鍵字: 客語沉浸式教學;基模理論;Hakka Language Immersion Programs;Schema Theory
公開日期: 五月-2018
出版社: 國立交通大學客家文化學院
College of Hakka Studies
摘要: 行政院客家委員會的研究調查顯示客語瀕臨危機,必須由政府與民間推動客語保存,否則可能消失。自民國96年屏東縣客家事務處與學者規劃實施由幼兒至國小一年級的客語沉浸式教學(Hakka language immersion programs),兒童的客語聽說能力能明顯提升,且不影響其各領域課程的學習。為能延續國小學童對於客語的學習與應用,建成客語於國小復振的脈絡,研究者參考其客語沉浸式教學的原則與模式,延伸實施於國民小學四年級學生,獲致實驗班學生客語聽說能力明顯優於對照班的結果,從而應用Arbib(2011)的基模理論(Schema Theory),探討客語沉浸式教學能提升國小四年級學生客語聽說能力的因素,提出客語沉浸式教學延伸實施及強化語言學用、復振的結論及相關建議。
To enhance elementary schoolchildren's learning and application of the Hakka language, the researchers referred to the principles and mode of the Hakka language immersion program proposed by the Department of Hakka Affairs at the Pingtung County Government to extend its implementation to Grade 4 schoolchildren. The results revealed that Hakka listening and speaking competence of an experimental Grade 4 class was significantly superior to that of a reference class. Furthermore, the researchers applied Arbib's Schema Theory (2011) to explore why the Hakka immersion programs enhanced the Grade 4 schoolchildren's Hakka listening and speaking competence.
URI: http://ghk.nctu.edu.tw/issueArticle.asp?P_No=47&CA_ID=501
ISSN: 2308-2437
期刊: 全球客家研究
Global Hakka Studies
Issue: 10
起始頁: 59
結束頁: 90


  1. 2303-2437-1003.pdf

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