Title: 一個無線通訊材料領導廠商經營模式的分析-系統動態觀點
The Business Model of a Leading Company of Wireless Communication Material - System Dynamics Perspective
Authors: 劉培林
Pei-Leen Liu
Chung-Yi Fang
Tsung-Lun Li
Keywords: 經營模式;晶圓代工;砷化鎵;系統動態學;企業評價;Business Model;Wafer Foundry;GaAs;System Dynamics;Business Valuation
Issue Date: 1-Oct-2019
Publisher: 國立交通大學經營管理研究所
Institute of Business and Magement, National Chiao Tung University
Abstract: 無線通訊材料是台灣中小企業值得發展的利基型產業,處於此行業中之領導廠商,較可取得長期生存發展的機會。其發展要件,除研發技術外,經營模式亦很重要。本研究嘗試以系統觀點,採用系統動態學方法論結合本益比法,從宏觀角度建構動態分析模式,以不同產能政策、減資政策及本益比之調整對公司營運及預估股價之影響趨勢,並運用此模型對砷化鎵晶圓代工龍頭「穩懋」進行政策模擬與分析,可提供實務上之應用,作為企業評價之參考。
Wireless communications materials are the niche industries worthy of development for SMEs in Taiwan. Leading manufacturers in this industry are more likely to gain long-term survival and development opportunities. Its development requirements, in addition to R & D technology, the business model is also very important. In this study, the System Dynamics (SD) is adopted for proposing a systems thinking framework with the buildup of a SD analysis model from holistic perspectives to explore the changing of the trend of operation which affected by the production policy, capital policy, capital reduction . the WIN Semiconductors Corp. will be the study case to proceed with the simulation and policy analysis. This model can be used for observing the dynamic change of the influence under different policies, and as recommendation for policy making.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29416/JMS.201910_26(4).0003
ISSN: 1023-9863
DOI: 10.29416/JMS.201910_26(4).0003
Journal: 管理與系統
Journal of Management and Systems
Volume: 26
Issue: 4
Begin Page: 451
End Page: 485
Appears in Collections:Journal of Management and System