標題: 臺灣客家節慶政策的創新傳統: 從「天穿日」到「全國客家日」
Innovating the Tradition of Hakka Festival Policy in Taiwan: From "Ripped Sky Festival" to "National Hakka Day"
作者: 謝名恒
Ming-heng Hsieh
關鍵字: 客家政策;天穿日;全國客家日;族群建構;創新傳統;Hakka Policy;Sky Broken Day;National Hakka Day;Ethnic Construction;Innovation of Tradition
公開日期: Nov-2019
出版社: 國立交通大學客家文化學院
College of Hakka Studies, National Chiao Tung University
摘要: 本文企圖釐清族群建構與創新傳統對臺灣客家政策的意義與影響。首先,運用次級文獻資料分析「天穿日」的傳統文化意涵,主要提出「天穿日」並非「獨特擁有」而是「持續保有」的觀點。再者,根據政策制定過程闡述「全國客家日」的當代節慶再造,質疑為何是「天穿日」的脫穎而出。最後,通過國家政策下的族群建構,以及納入「客家論述轉化」的辯證,並且加入「創新傳統」的視野,進一步思考當代對傳統之下的重新詮釋。總體而論,本文提供「全國客家日」為何選定「天穿日」的案例作為開展,試圖豐富當代臺灣客家的差異化與多元性,如此的研究範式具有積極且正向的學術意義,強調「客家」概念並非固化均一的靜態標誌,而是一項持續變遷的動態過程。
This paper attempts to clarify the prominence and influence of ethnic construction and innovation of tradition on the Hakka policy in Taiwan. First, after reviewing secondary literature to analyze the traditional cultural meanings of Ripped Sky Festival, I argue that the festival is not “ specific” but “sustained .” Furthermore, based on the process of policy formulation, this paper explains the contemporary reengineering of the festival as “National Hakka Day” and investigates why Ripped Sky Festival becomes prominent. Finally, how the ethnic construction of the national policy has incorporated the dialectical discussion of Hakka transformation is discussed. In sum, this paper emphasizes that the concept, Hakka culture, is a dynamic and continuously changing process rather than a stable, unified, and static symbol.
URI: http://ghk.nctu.edu.tw/issueArticle.asp?P_No=50&CA_ID=533
ISSN: 2308-2437
期刊: 全球客家研究
Global Hakka Studies
Issue: 13
起始頁: 43
結束頁: 78
Appears in Collections:Global Hakka Studies

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