標題: 「客家源流」相關文獻的分類與回顧: 一個「理念型」與「連續體」概念的嘗試
A Literature Review of Hakka Origin Research: Introducing the Concept of Ideal Types and Continuum
作者: 許維德
Wei-der Shu
關鍵字: 客家源流;文獻回顧;理念型;連續體概念;Hakka Origin;Literature Review;Ideal Type;Concept of Continuum
公開日期: May-2021
出版社: 國立陽明交通大學客家文化學院
College of Hakka Studies, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
摘要: 本文的目的在於帶入一個新的思維方式──連續體概念──來對「客家源流」的相關文獻進行分類和回顧。在批判性地檢視既有文獻回顧式論文後,本文提出一個新的、以連續體概念為骨架的分類系統,建構出「客家源流」相關論述的九個「理念型」(i.e., 北方中亞民族說、北方漢人說、北方中亞民族主體說、北方漢人主體說、土漢融合說、南方漢人主體說、南方土著主體說、南方漢人說、以及南方土著說)。接下來,在將上述「理念型」和實際文獻對照後,本文發現,總共只有「北方中亞民族說」、「南方漢人說」以及「南方土著說」以外的其他六個「理念型」有相對堅實之學術文獻的支撐。本文將依循這六個「理念型」來回顧「客家源流」這一領域的相關文獻。
This paper proposes to adopt the concept of a continuum for reviewing and classifying the Hakka origin reserch. Nine logical or theoretical “ideal types” are identified after uncovering the assumptions of existing literature. However, after critically examining all empirical research, only six of them are supported by existing literature. This paper reviews the argument suggested by those six “ideal types,” namely, “Northern Han pedigree thesis (北方漢人說),” “Central Asian ethnicity dominance thesis (北方中亞民族主體說),” “Northern Han dominance thesis (北方漢人主體說),” “fusion thesis (融合說),” “Southern Han dominance thesis (南方漢人主體說),” and “Southern aborigine dominance thesis (南方土著主體說).”
URI: http://ghk.nctu.edu.tw/issueArticle.asp?P_No=53&CA_ID=564
ISSN: 2308-2437
期刊: 全球客家研究
Global Hakka Studies
Issue: 16
起始頁: 9
結束頁: 78
Appears in Collections:Global Hakka Studies

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