標題: 「收拾行囊」,通關啟程:談「旅者-行李」組裝體之移動政治
作者: 賴嘉玲
關鍵字: 行李;流動性;物質性;日常生活;移動政治;Luggage;mobility;materiality;everydayness;politics of mobility
公開日期: 1-Sep-2013
出版社: 國立陽明交通大學出版社
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University Press
摘要: 旅者-行李中必然的牽掛與負擔,看似平凡無奇,卻像旅行時暫時流動補給的家與隨行的義肢一般地複雜。因此「旅者行李」組裝體不只由旅者實踐的行程時空想像、交通路徑之選擇、攝影呈現上展演的戲碼所組構,更暗藏了旅者通過機場安檢與過秤時,與新監視社會交鋒時精密的策略心機。而「收拾行囊」,旅行流動中對物質性的處理,是旅者在驚喜愉悅旅程中,必須面對之瑣碎與重複的惱人實踐,正因其例行與瑣碎的日常性,令其成為當今豐富旅遊研究拼圖中消失的一角。本文援引厄里整合行動者網絡理論的移動研究,以及近期重視慣習、日常生活的物質性轉向之旅遊研究,討論「旅者-行李」組裝體在流動越界時之品味呈現與面對安檢的戰略實踐,並以在英跨國社群的經驗研究,探討旅者在跨國多重行程考慮下,對物質的戀與捨,如何決定短暫行程中移動的日常生活必需,以及面對機場通關時的移動政治。並分析旅者對其行囊的安排與打包,如同管理一迷你隨行的家與義肢一般,行李的安排展現了旅者的行程時空想像、與安檢監視社會對峙時的戰略操弄,流質物質性的空間拓樸學安置、主體與客體的相互組構,以及關乎速度美學的品味呈現。期望以新「旅者-行李」組裝體之研究對象,在獨特旅動的期待與平凡無奇之瑣碎日常物質性的處理交會處,在微觀的行李打包戰術實踐與巨觀跨國通關安檢的交界點,管窺當今社會的旅遊文化與移動政治。
Luggage, the necessary attachment and burden of travellers in their journey, seems to be mundane and simply, is actually no less complicated than a temporary home and prosthetic limbs on the move. In fact, the 'traveller-luggage' assembly not only reveals the time-space imagination of traveller's itinerary, choices of transportation, plots of their performance kept in the tourist photos, but also special tactical practices to confront the border security-checking which embodied the emerging surveillance society. 'Packing the luggage', relating to how to deal with materiality in the liquid age, is an annoyingly trivial and repetitive practice every traveller must tackle with. Owing to its banal everydayness, renders it a missing jigsaw piece of tourism studies which emphasis mainly on the extra-ordinariness. Drawing upon John Urry's theories of multiple mobilities that integrated with ANT, based on the empirical research on a transnational community in England, this paper explores how travellers organize their luggage as important belongings based on the multiple consideration of their journey and the politics emerged when encountering airport security. It also analyzes how travellers organise their luggage, as to curate a little moving museum: luggage reveals travellers' imagination of their journey, tactic manipulation to confront the expected surveillance, arranging liquid materiality topographically, mutual constitution of subjects and objects, as well as the performance of the taste of travellers in terms of the aesthetics of speed. This paper thus aims to reveal the politics of mobility, through studying the practices of packing as the intersection between banal everyday practices and extraordinary experience making as well as the micro tactics when encountering the macro border-crossing security checking.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.6752/jcs.201309_(17).0005
ISSN: 1816-0514
DOI: 10.6752/jcs.201309_(17).0005
期刊: 文化研究
Router: A Journal of Cultural Studies
Issue: 17
起始頁: 123
結束頁: 158
Appears in Collections:Router: A Journal of Cultural Studies

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