Title: 共謀式對抗的快感新陳代謝
Authors: 張維元
Keywords: Lacan;Lacalu;Zizek;基進民主;快感;對抗;衝突;Jacques Lacan;Ernesto Lacalu;Slavoj Zizek;radical democracy;enjoyment;antagonism
Issue Date: 1-Mar-2014
Publisher: 國立陽明交通大學出版社
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University Press
Abstract: 本文將引介「平行共謀式對抗」(paralleocomplicit antagonism)這一概念,並從「快感(enjoyment)分析」的角度來釐清其組建機制。「平行共謀式對抗」指涉的是以下這種並非不常見的情況:我們可以清楚的感知到在許多的政治對抗中,對抗的雙方似乎奇異地對相互抗爭這件本該是相當痛苦惱人的事情「上癮」了!交戰的雙方激情的擁抱對抗,一種難以理解的快感在此被持續生產出來,並供對抗雙方的人民汲取,用俗語來說,這是一種「酣戰」或「越打越難以罷手」的狀況。在此,「對抗」奇異地成為快感生產的基址。在這種類型的對抗中,弔詭地,對抗的雙方似乎在快感的層次上是「共謀的」(complicit)。本研究將以Jacques Lacan的快感分析理論為基礎來說明這種共謀對抗的快感組構機制。研究論述將分為以下幾個部份:第一部份檢視「平行共謀式」對抗在現有理論與研究文獻中的現身痕跡;第二部份則通過挪用與延伸Lacan的快感分析理論中的邪僻快感(perverse enjoyment)概念來詮釋性分析「共謀的對抗」的組建機制;第三部份將以上的分析置入精神分析理論與後結構主義基進民主(radical democracy)理論的概念脈絡中以突顯「共謀的對抗」此一概念的位置,此一「位置的突顯」將同時涉及此一概念的獨特性、它與當代政治狀況的相關性與此一概念在使用時應有的限制性。
In the light of Lacanian psychoanalysis, this article introduces the notion of ‘paralleocomplicit antagonism.’ The notion of paralleocomplicit antagonism refers to the form of antagonism in which both of the antagonistic sides draw enjoyment from conspiring to prolong and escalate the antagonistic situation. I consider this notion as particularly important for analysing political antagonism because this notion can make salient the role of enjoyment in political antagonism. This article will firstly give a brief review of the analytical observations of paralleocomplicit antagonism in scholarly literature. I will then provide a Lacanian interpretation to the circulation of enjoyment in paralleocomplicit antagonism. Finally, I will put my analysis in the context of the recent post-structuralist debates on the notion of ‘antagonism’ to show the contributions and the limits of this notion.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.6752/jcs.201403_(18).0004
ISSN: 1816-0514
DOI: 10.6752/jcs.201403_(18).0004
Journal: 文化研究
Router: A Journal of Cultural Studies
Issue: 18
Begin Page: 91
End Page: 120
Appears in Collections:Router: A Journal of Cultural Studies

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