標題: 【International Student Activity】Hakka Culture Exploration
作者: 國際事務處
Office of International Affairs
公開日期: 1-Aug-2023
出版社: 國立陽明交通大學
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
摘要: The students visited the Hsinwawu and Neiwan Old Street. They experienced the unique charm of Hakka architecture, learned about the long history and priceless value of Hakka culture, and enjoyed tasting delicious Hakka cuisine, truly experiencing the richness and diversity of the Hakka culture.
URI: https://oia.nycu.edu.tw/en/campus-life/student-activity/15678/
期刊: 陽明交大英文電子報
Issue: 2023-07
Appears in Collections:NYCU E-NEWS

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  1. 2023 Newsletter July-02.pdf

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