標題: A Low-Cost Output Response Analyzer for the Built-in-Self-Test Sigma-Delta Modulator Based on the Controlled Sine Wave Fitting Method
作者: Hung, Shao-Feng
Hong, Hao-Chiao
Liang, Sheng-Chuan
Institute of Electrical and Control Engineering
公開日期: 2009
摘要: This paper proposes I low-cost output response analyzer (ORA) for the built-in-self-test (BIST) Sigma-Delta ADC based on the controlled sine wave fitting (CSWF) method. The ADC under test (AUT) is composed of a design-for-digital-testability (DfDT) second-order E-A modulator and a decimation filter. The CSWF BIST procedure requests in ORA to accept the output of the AUT and calculates the offset, the amplitude of the stimulus tone response, and the total-harmonic-distortion-and-noise (THD+N) power in three successive BIST steps respectively. Each BIST step needs all accumulator to conduct the specified BIST function. By sharing an accumulator for every BIST step, the proposed ORA design contains only 1.9k gates without loss of computational accuracy. The hardware is only 34% of the original design. Simulation results show that the proposed ORA presents accurate SNDR results for the 1 kHz tests.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/17394
ISBN: 978-0-7695-3864-8
ISSN: 1081-7735
DOI: 10.1109/ATS.2009.88
起始頁: 385
結束頁: 388


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