標題: Evaluation of Temperature Stability of Trilayer Resistive Memories Using Work-Function Tuning
作者: Cheng, Chun-Hu
Chin, Albert
Department of Electronics Engineering and Institute of Electronics
公開日期: 1-Apr-2013
摘要: A trilayer resistive memory with a low picojoule switching energy shows highly uniform current distribution, fast switching speed of 10 ns, and robust endurance cycling of 10(6) cycles under high-temperature (343 K) operation. Such good performance is related to high-temperature stable Ni electrode, fast electron hopping via nanocrystallized anatase TiO2, and nonuniform electric-field distribution to dilute cycling stress. The evaluation of thermal stability is mandatory for the application of reliable high-density three-dimensional nonvolatile memory. (C) 2013 The Japan Society of Applied Physics
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.7567/APEX.6.041203
ISSN: 1882-0778
DOI: 10.7567/APEX.6.041203
Volume: 6
Issue: 4
Appears in Collections:Articles

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