標題: Network security management with traffic pattern clustering
作者: Chiou, Tao-Wei
Tsai, Shi-Chun
Lin, Yi-Bing
Department of Computer Science
關鍵字: Clustering;Machine learning;Jaccard similarity;ROC curve;Denial of service;Big data
公開日期: 1-九月-2014
摘要: Profiling network traffic pattern is an important approach for tackling network security problem. Based on campus network infrastructure, we propose a new method to identify randomly generated domain names and pinpoint the potential victim groups. We characterize normal domain names with the so called popular 2gram (2 consecutive characters in a word) to distinguish between active and nonexistent domain names. We also track the destination IPs of sources IPs and analyze their similarity of connection pattern to uncover potential anomalous group network behaviors. We apply the Hadoop technique to deal with the big data of network traffic and classify the clients as victims or not with the spectral clustering method.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00500-013-1218-0
ISSN: 1432-7643
DOI: 10.1007/s00500-013-1218-0
Volume: 18
Issue: 9
起始頁: 1757
結束頁: 1770


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