標題: Simultaneous floorplan and buffer-block optimization
作者: Jiang, IHR
Chang, YW
Jou, JY
Chao, KY
Department of Electronics Engineering and Institute of Electronics
關鍵字: floorplanning;interconnect optimization;layout;physical design
公開日期: 1-五月-2004
摘要: As technology advances and the number of interconnections among modules rapidly increases, timing closure, and design convergence are the most important concerns. Hence, it is desirable to consider interconnect optimization as early as possible. Previous work for this issue can be classified into two directions: wire planning and buffer-block planning for interconnect-driven. floorplanning. Wire planning for interconnect-driven floorplanning does not consider buffer insertion, and buffer-block planning for interconnect-driven floorplanning cannot overcome the limitation of a bad initial floorplan. In this paper, we first address simultaneous floorplanning and buffer-block planning (i.e., integrating buffer-block planning into floorplanning) for interconnect optimization. We adopt simulated annealing to refine a floorplan so that buffers can be inserted more effectively. In each iteration, we construct a routing tree for each net, allocate buffers for all nets, introduce corresponding buffer blocks into the intermediate floorplan, and invoke Lagrangian relaxation to optimize area and satisfy timing requirements. Further, in order to reduce the problem size, we present supermodule partitioning which partitions modules into supermodules. Experimental results show that our method of integrating buffer-block planning into floorplanning can significantly improve the interconnect delay and reduce the number of buffers needed. Based on a set of MCNC benchmark circuits, our approach achieves an average success rate of 86.1% of nets meeting timing constraints, inserts only 272 buffers on average, and consumes an average extra area of only 0.28% over the given floorplan, compared with the average success rate of 62.6%, 1123 buffers, and extra area of 1.05% resulted from a famous recent work presented at ICCAD'99.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TCAD.2004.826582
ISSN: 0278-0070
DOI: 10.1109/TCAD.2004.826582
Volume: 23
Issue: 5
起始頁: 694
結束頁: 703


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