标题: 适用于低色彩对比前景抽取之CIELAB色彩空间背景模型
CIELAB Color Space Based Background Modeling for Low Color Contrast Foreground Extraction
作者: 陈俊升
Chun-Sheng Chen
Jyh-Yeong Chang
关键字: 前景抽取;背景模型;CIELAB;Background Modeling
公开日期: 2007
摘要: 利用固定摄影机拍摄的串流影像资讯于前景物体抽取是一个很典型的方法。在一般前、后景色彩深浅差别大时,可以简单的使用亮度的资讯将前后景分离,但当前后景色彩接近时,例如; 当辨识的目标穿着和背景相似的衣服时,若只使用灰阶影像并无法将完整的前景资讯分离,我们曾使用HSV色彩空间加入像素点色彩成分的考虑建立背景模型做颜色的补偿,达到前、后景的分离,且能对阴影的问题加以消除改进。然而使用HSV色彩空间会遇到色调一些不稳定的问题,所以我们在色调不稳定的区域加以限制,以增加抽取前景影像的准确性,但对于某些情况,例如;背景为米白色而前景目标穿着粉红色衣服时,在HSI系统对前景物体抽取的准确性提升效果有限。
Background subtraction is a typical method used to extract foreground object in video streams taken from a static camera. When the foreground color is different from the background color, the foreground subject can be extracted easily by the luminance component. When the foreground color is similar to the background color, we cannot extract the foreground image completely by the luminance component. To solve this, we used to utilize the HSV color space to build the background model to do color compensation, in line with similar spirit of W4 segmentation algorithm. This approach can not only extract foreground image well but also be helpful to shadow removal. However, H and S components are not consistently reliable in some situations. For example, HSI system does not detect foreground well when the object wears pink clothes when in ivory background.
In this thesis, we build a statistical background modeling embedded in CIELAB color space for foreground object extraction. By the use of color difference formula in CIELAB space, so that the sensitivity of foreground object extraction can be raised evidently. In comparison with HSV based scheme and our new foreground extraction scheme, the CIELAB improves the segmentation accuracy from 75.62% to 87.88%.


  1. 257901.pdf

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