標題: 二維氧化銦參雜錫之非彈性電子散射時間及量子干涉傳輸現象之研究
Inelastic electron scattering time and quantum-interference transport in two-dimensional ITO films
作者: 林伯聰
Bo-Tsung Lin
Juhn-Jong Lin
關鍵字: 氧化銦;散射時間;量子;ITO;scattering time;quantum
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 凝態物理在近來物理界相當蓬勃發展,其中電子在材料的傳輸特性,對於科學科技上都有重大的應用與發展。本文藉由量測與分析電子傳輸所造成的電阻與磁電阻,來進一步瞭解二維氧化銦參雜錫之非彈性電子散射時間及量子干涉傳輸現象。進一步想要瞭解無序程度在電子傳輸中所扮演的角色! 我們利用已製造好的15nm ITO薄膜,以退火的技術製造出一系列無序程度的樣品。並藉由氦三、氦四致冷器,來進行有無外加磁場的電阻隨溫度變化量測,以及磁電阻量測。我們發現15nm ITO薄膜在高溫部分可用無序程度修正下的Bloch-Gr□neisen model來描述,而低溫部分可用二維電子-電子交互作用與二維弱局域效應的模型來描述。且由磁電阻的分析發現,隨著無序程度的指標變大,二維電子電子交互作用也出現了從無序到有序的關係改變。確定無序程度在電子傳輸的行為上,扮演著一定的角色與地位!
The condensed matter physics is very active in modern physics. Especially, the transport of electron affects some important advances and applications in material science. We measure and analyze the R(T) and the MR which cause by the transport of electron to study the inelastic electron scattering time and quantum-interference transport in two-dimensional ITO films. And we try to research the relation between disorder and transport of electron. We make a serious of disorder 15nm ITO films by annealing, then we measure the R(T) in the magnetic field、the R(T) in the zero magnetic field and MR by He3 cryostats and He4 cryostats. We find that we can use the similar Bloch-Gr□neisen form in disorder system to describe our R(T) data in high temperature. As well as we can use 2D electron-electron interaction and 2D weak localization model to describe our R(T) data in low temperature. By the analysis the MR we find that kFl represent the parameter of disorder has relation with in different disorder of 2D electron-electron interaction. So we can make sure that the disorder has important relation with the transport of electron.


  1. 752101.pdf

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