標題: 以消費者選擇偏好建構音樂網站經營型態評選模式
Based on consumer’s behavior preference for building an evaluation model of operation modes in music website
作者: 吳宇中
Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng
關鍵字: 音樂網站;經營型態;結構模型;層級網路模式;Music website;operation mode;ISM (Interpretive Structural Modeling);ANP (Analytic Network Process);VIKOR
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 音樂一直是我們生活的一部分,隨著科技的進步,音樂的儲存與傳播方式不斷地轉變,從早期運用唱片、CD來儲存與傳播音樂,到了現今逐漸轉變運用大型伺服器與音樂網站來做為儲存與傳播工具,這轉變主要歸功於壓縮與儲存技術的突破,讓原本必須需要龐大的存貨倉庫,逐漸變成為可裝載大量數位內容的伺服器。雖然音樂數位化的技術變革讓我們可以很輕易地取得、複製與傳播我們所擁有的音樂,但卻衍生出另一個嚴重的問題,就是大量的重製行為逐漸侵蝕唱片業者的市場,從早期的P2P音樂交換網站的興起,到唱片業者與P2P業者間的法律訴訟,以至後來計費下載、串流服務與付費音樂廣播的竄起,也正式宣告了數位音樂時代的來臨。目前存在的數位音樂網站經營型態主要有五大類型,分別為混合式P2P檔案交換、分散式P2P檔案交換、計費下載、串流服務、與數位廣播之五種。本研究欲比較各類型的數位音樂網站所提供的服務價值,同時瞭解不同屬性的使用者對於數位音樂服務網站的偏好差異,之後再依據不同的使用者屬性來建議數位音樂網站業者的服務功能組合。本研究以音樂搜尋與推薦服務構面、平台設計與維護構面、網站平台服務構面、費率與付費形態構面、網站形象構面之五個評估構面及25個評估準則來找出使用者對於五種數位音樂服務型態需求,並利用結構模型(Interpretive Structural Modeling, ISM)找出各項構面之間的準則關聯結構,並利用層級網路模式(Analytic Network Process, ANP)來找出準則之間的權重關係,並運用VIKOR方法來找出目前各種不同數位音樂服務網站距離使用者心目中理想解的差距,之後再依據不同的客戶屬性來分析各種數位音樂服務型態距離使用者最滿意點與最不滿意點的落差,進一步找出使用者對數位音樂服務型態的偏好行為,並以此來提供數位音樂服務業者之服務規劃,以滿足使用者之需求(users-needs),進而達到企業經營之贏贏(win-win)效果。本研究發現年齡與所得水準等使用者屬性差異確實會影響其網站服務的選擇,而該結果有助於業者在發展數位音樂網站時可藉由差異化的服務模組來達到大量客製化(mass-customization)之個人化服務的目標。
There are five operating terms of digital music website, which are hybrid-mode P2P file transfer, decentralized P2P file transfer, charge download, streaming service and digital broadcasting. The research would like to compare the value of services of 5 business terms to consumers and analyze how different it is for the requirements of the digital music sharing website between different consumers. Then the service combinations will be proposed to music website service providers according to consumer’s needs. The research uses 5 aspects, which are search and recommend services, platform design and maintain services, website platform services, fee rate and payment method, and website image composed of 25 evaluation criteria to try to find out the consumers’ requirements for the music website. The research uses Interpretive Structural Modeling (ISM) model to find out the related structure between evaluation criteria of 5 aspects and uses Analytic Network Process (ANP) model to find out the weighted relation between evaluation criteria. The VIKOR is used to find out the difference of negative and positive ideal solutions between services of the existing music service websites and preferences of different consumers. Then analyzing the gap between the consumers’ most satisfied one and most unsatisfied one regarding services of the existing music service websites is performed. The behavior of consumers’ preferences about music service could be referred by digital music service providers for further planning for future services based on mass-customization.
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