標題: 半導體設備廠商之變革策略研究-以美商應用材料公司進入太陽能市場為例
Change Strategies of Semiconductor Equipment Suppliers-Applied Materials Inc. Enters into Solar Market as Example
作者: 郭俐君
Li-Chen Kuo
Hsiao-Cheng Yu
關鍵字: 半導體設備產業;太陽能產業;應用材料公司;柯特;the semiconductor equipment industry;the solar industry;Applied Materials Inc.;Kotter model
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 半導體產業歷經五十年的發展,受到技術的限制、以及景氣的衰退,未來半導體設備業者將難以出現兩位數的成長。而與半導體設備之不景氣形成鮮明對比的是太陽能產業的蓬勃發展,根據統計,全球太陽能市場規模將從目前的130億美元成長到2012年的400億美元,半導體設備廠商利用在半導體和平面顯示器的製造經驗,紛紛投入太陽能市場,以延續企業的生命週期。 本研究以美商應用材料公司為研究對象,運用柯特變革模型,探討其跨入太陽能市場之流程。擷取國內外產業資訊、專家評估報告、專業期刊雜誌資料等,將相關的文獻理論與個案實際行為做一比對與分析,期能藉由個案分析,探討半導體設備廠商進入太陽能市場之績效與優勢,並根據研究結果提出建議,以及提供台灣半導體設備產業參考。
The semiconductor industry, have passed 50 years, is suffering from industrial recession. In this difficult situation, a lot of semiconductor equipment suppliers are changing their business model and using diversification strategies to reach a new peak. In order to maintain enterprise growth constantly, Applied Materials, Inc., the world's largest supplier of wafer fabrication solutions to the semiconductor industry, entered into the solar market in 2006 and created success. Besides, SEMI(Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International), acts as a clearinghouse for the generation of standards specific to the industry and the generation of long-range plans for the industry, is boosting a solar program and providing a solution for semiconductor equipment suppliers. This study will focus on the semiconductor equipment suppliers which are reversing their disadvantage, and use Applied materials inc. as case by Kotter model and collecting the overseas’ related information, evaluation reports, and semiconductor companies’ profiles to have further analysis.