標題: 連鎖便利商店小贈品促銷策略研究
The Study on the Premium Promotion Strategy of Chained Convinence Stores
作者: 葉顓銘
Yeh Chuan Ming
Su Kung Chen
關鍵字: 連鎖便利商店;贈品促銷;目標消費族群;活動涉入;促銷效果;Convenience Store;Premium Promotion;Target group;Promotion Involvement;the Effect of Promotion
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 本論文研究OK、萊爾富、全家及7-11四大連鎖便利商店自2006年8月起約一個月,凡單次消費75~80元即贈送一款小贈品之促銷活動;共三項子研究。 研究1 消費者促銷活動參與消費行為特徵分析結論: A.小贈品促銷活動之目標參與消費族群特徵:女性、未婚、25歲以下、學歷高中職以下、職業別學生或家庭主婦、月所得(零用金)低於1萬、偏好7-11或全家便利商店、平時於便利商店單次消費100元以上之消費者。 B.主題人物以日系卡通人物-哆拉A夢為首選、贈品形式以平面小磁鐵最受歡迎;小公仔的崛起,顯示消費者對於新贈品形式的期待。 C.高促銷活動涉入族群於各便利商店促銷活動之參與比率皆為最高。 研究2 消費者贈品偏好行為變異性分析結論: A.各便利商店小贈品促銷活動之主題人物及贈品形式偏好族群略有不同。 B.高促銷活動涉入族群與促銷活動目標參與消費族群特徵大致相同。 研究3 促銷效果分析結論: A.高促銷效果之特徵族群與促銷活動目標參與消費族群大致相同。 B.OK便利商店之促銷效果稍高。 C.小贈品促銷活動對於高活動涉入族群有較高的促銷效果。
This study focused on the 1-month about premium promotions since August 2006, with the Top 4 Chained Convenience Store in Taiwan- OK, Hi-Life, Family Mart and 7-11. Conclusion of Study 1 A. The target groups: Female, Single, aged under 25, education degree below high school, students and housewives, salary under NT10,000 /month, prefer Family Mart / 7-11, and consumers who shop over NT100 normally. B. Japanese cartoon figure- Doraemon is the most popular one, while the 2-D magnetic premium is of the most consumers’ favorite. C. The higher promotion Involvement of the consumer groups, the higher rate of population to join the premium promotion with all convenience stores. Conclusion of Study 2 A. Different figures and premium shapes with different target groups. B. Characteristics of the highest promotion Involvement degree are similar with the population to join the premium promotion. Conclusion of Study 3 A. Characteristics of the consumers with the highest effects of promotion are similar with the population to join the premium promotion. B. The promotion effect with OK convenience store is slightly higher then others. C. The premium promotion has higher effect of promotion on the highest promotion Involvement degree of population.


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