標題: 車行號誌倒數計秒器下駕駛行為分析
A Study on Driving Behaviors at the Intersections with Traffic Signal Countdown Displays.
作者: 張建華
Chien-Hua Chang
Yu-Chiun Chiou
關鍵字: 號誌倒數計秒器;猶豫區間;羅吉斯迴歸;起動延滯;駕駛行為;Traffic Signal Countdown Displays;Dilemma Zone;Start-up delay;Driver Behavior;Logistic Regression
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 本研究主要係為探討號誌化路口於增設車行號誌倒數計秒器後駕駛人之駕駛行為變化情形,包括綠燈倒數計秒器及紅燈倒數計秒器等,本研究選擇新竹縣竹北市光明六路與中華路交岔口為綠燈倒數計秒器之研究路口,並以其上游未設置綠燈倒數計秒器之光明六路與博愛路交岔口為實驗之對照路口,於同一時間分別對兩路口進行攝影,以收集同一股車流分別通過有設置綠燈倒數計秒器路口及未設置綠燈倒數計秒器路口之車流行為,進而探討駕駛人於號誌化路口有無設置車行綠燈倒數計秒器下之闖紅燈行為及猶豫區間變化情形,並以駕駛人距停止線距離、臨近路口速度、距紅燈始亮時間等進行車輛駕駛人停行決策之羅吉斯迴歸分析;在紅燈倒數計秒器研究方面則選擇臺北市忠孝東路與敦化南路交岔口為研究對象,分別於紅燈倒數計秒器設置前與設置後1.5個月、3個月及4.5個月時進行車流行為攝影,進而探討整體機車流與汽車流及機車兩段式左轉待轉區內之第一部起動機車、機車停等區內之第一部起動機車、內側第一車道之第一部起動汽車、內側第二車道之第一部起動汽車、機車停等區後方之第一部起動汽車等提早起動率、起動延滯及起動延滯公式於紅燈倒數計秒器設置前與設置後及隨時間之變化情形。 研究結果發現有設置綠燈倒數之路口較無設置綠燈倒數之路口其闖紅燈比率低、猶豫區間長、羅吉斯迴歸分析之車輛最後通過機率較低,有綠燈倒數路口駕駛人之停行決策已提前至綠燈剩餘時間2秒至1秒時,若綠燈剩餘時間為1秒時,多數駕駛人將減速並停止於停止線前,若綠燈剩餘時間為2秒時,則多數駕駛人將加速通過路口,顯示停行決策不一致,車隊速度不連續,有速差產生,易於發生追撞。而紅燈倒數計秒器設置前與設置後整體機車流與汽車流及各車道位置之汽車、機車其提早起動率大致呈現先降後升之趨勢,並於設置後4.5個月時約略高於設置前,起動延滯則呈現先升後降並於設置後4.5個月時已低於設置前,起動延滯公式迴歸分析發現車隊之飽和車流間距隨時間並無明顯之變化,而總累積起動延滯呈現先升後降並於設置後4.5個月時已低於設置前。整體而言,駕駛人面對綠燈倒數數字之判斷力因人而異,於交通安全之維護風險較高,而紅燈倒數在安定駕駛人停等紅燈時之躁動情緒、起動延滯之縮短、停等紅燈車隊之紓解效率等各方面,均具有正面之協助,輔以肇事型態分析,紅燈倒數計秒器顯較綠燈倒數計秒器利多於弊且無爭議。
The purpose of this study is to discuss driving behaviors at the intersections with traffic signal countdown displays,including green-light and red-light.Two neighboring signalized intersections,one with green-light countdown displays and the other without, in Hsinchu county town were chosen as study sites.Two digital vedeo cameras were used separately to collect the traffic passing through the two signalized intersections at the same time.Then we analyse the difference between the two intersections on red-running violations ,Dilemma Zone and Logistic Regression.Another signalized intersection in Taipei city was chosen to collect the traffic data before the red-light countdown displays installed and after red-light countdown displays started operation at 1.5-month, 3-month, 4.5-month. Then we analyse the difference between before and after on red-running violations,headway and start-up delays. It is found that red-running violations ratio with green-light countdown displays is smaller than without. Dilemma Zone with green-light countdown displays is longer than without. The traffic passing numbers with green-light countdown displays is smaller than without.The time of driver make a choice to pass or stop with green-light countdown displays have advanced one or two seconds before the start of red light.Red-running violations were reduced at 1.5-month after red-light countdown installed but its effectiveness tended to dissipate over time as the violation numbers had bounced back to more than before level.Headway is no change with time. Start-up delays were raised at 1.5-month after red-light countdown installed and than decreased over time.On the whole,red-light countdown displays is better than gerrn-light countdown displays owing to its advantages is more than its disadvantages.


  1. 652301.pdf

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