標題: 漫畫產業編輯制度之探討—以日本與台灣為例
The Editing System of Comic Industry: Cases of Japan and Taiwan
作者: 賴政如
Lai, Chen-Ju
Tseng, Fang-Tai
關鍵字: 文化創意產業;漫畫;編輯;個案研究;cultural industry;comic;editor;case study
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 漫畫產業在全球規模的快速成長,已經受到各國的重視,同時也將其列為文化產業發展的重點項目之一,並且成為觸角多元化的國際性產業。而日本漫畫產業在亞洲或是全球,其競爭力之高已在各項數據上獲得證實;無論是在亞洲國家,或是在美國、法國等,其漫畫實力皆可在驚人的銷售與發行量上得到肯定。 本論文以文獻分析與次級資料分析法,具體描繪日本漫畫出版社的生產模式以及編輯在漫畫創作者創作過程當中所提供的協助、扮演的角色;另外以深度訪談的方式,了解台灣漫畫家與編輯之間的權利義務關係,以及各種互動情況。 透過個案分析,本研究發現日本漫畫編輯在人才培育上,即受到出版社有計畫及制度的培養,因此在漫畫專業度、市場敏感度等能力上,皆能夠獲得漫畫創作者的信賴,同時也在漫畫家的創作過程當中,扮演舉足輕重的角色;甚至在創作者的生活起居及創作環境上,提供必要協助。而台灣的漫畫編輯,因為缺少專業人才的培育制度,因此多為對漫畫產業有興趣熱忱卻未受過專業訓練的人士;導致在漫畫專業度上極度缺乏,對於漫畫創作者的幫助極其有限。而編輯制度的差異以及人才培育的差別,使得日台的漫畫產業發展上有著截然不同的命運。 台灣的漫畫產業若要在未來有所成長,必須要學習日本成功經驗,並效法亞洲文化產業新興國家的敢於投資與改變,歷經成本投入的陣痛期,才能有所回收。
The comic industry is growing very fast and become one of the most important part of cultural industry in many countries. Japan is the leader of comic industry in the world, and comic books are necessary for Japanese people. We can see that Japanese comic books are popular in Asia; even in USA and France, Japanese comics have created amazing sales volume. This study depict the image of the production mode of comic industry in Japan through literatures and documents, and find out how editors help cartoonists doing their drawings. Furthermore, through interviewing the cartoonists in Taiwan, the author know the situation and relationship between editors and cartoonists. By case study, the author found that comic books’ publishers in Japan take talent training seriously. They have complete plan to make sure the comic books’ editors have enough professional knowledge to create great productions with cartoonists. But in Taiwan, the comic editors are usually amateur, and have not studied professional knowledge. Cartoonists in Taiwan can only know what date is the deadline of their creations from editors, and get nothing about painting skills or background knowledge from editors. The different between Japan and Taiwan comic editor system makes the big gap of development in comic industry. In order to rebuild the comic industry in Taiwan, the publisher should learn how to train up talent person to become a professional and outstanding editor from Japan. And the government must be confident to invest in building the complete education system and development plan of comic industry. Only going through the throes, the market of comic books in Taiwan may be prosperous again.


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