Title: 數位發表空間 : 在空間模擬器中的可觸式架構
Digital Presentation Space: a Tangible Framework in VR CAVE
Authors: 李致遠
Keywords: 人機介面;可觸式使用者介面;空間模擬器;數位模型;human computer interface;tangible user interface;VR CAVE;digital model
Issue Date: 2007
Abstract: 數位模型可否取代實體模型,長久以來一直受到廣泛的討論。虛擬與實體的關係,也因為人機介面的發展,而開始慢慢受到重視,許多嶄新概念開始慢慢被提出,諸如遍布運算、擴增實境及穿載式運算等等,但都不是很清楚的在敘述這個問題。直到可觸式使用者介面概念的建立,人機介面才真正進入一個全新的里程碑。本研究經由分析舊有系統及媒材得出,數位模型的瀏覽系統大都缺乏「介面直覺性」以及「視覺深度性」。因此,本研究試圖提出一種兼具有介面直覺性及視覺深度性的數位模型發表空間,來提供使用者瀏覽及發表數位模型。 在經由分析結果進行規劃後,決定以可觸式使用者介面的概念來設計介面的直覺性,並以空間模擬器來達到視覺的深度性。在系統的建置過程中,軟體部分運用二維圖象辨識系統ARtoolkit 以辨識標識的位置,來即時回饋數位模型的狀態給使用者,以達到介面直覺性。接著在硬體部分,分別在空間模擬器中架設兩支攝影機來模擬人類的雙眼,以補捉標識的位置並產生具有視覺深度性的影像。而標識也被設計成在空間模擬器中的陰暗環境底下可被辨識並可依需求來替換。 最後系統完成後,邀請十位建築背景的受測者來進行實驗,分別就介面直覺、視覺深度、材質貼圖及環境模擬四個項目來與實體模型進行比較予以評分。最後實驗結果發現,受測者均認為系統在介面直覺及視覺深度方面雖尚不及實體模型,但在材質貼圖及環境模型方面有優異的表現,因此受測者均認為本系統有取代實體模型的潛力。本系統的貢獻在於提供了一種瀏覽數位模型的可能性,並產生許多未來在其它方面可能的應用。
Could Digital model take the place of physical model, it had been discussed popularly for a long time. The relationship between the physical and the virtual begin to be respected with time. Until the concept of tangible user interface (TUIs) was been proposed, human computer interface (HCI) comes to a new era. The research analyses and discovers that the previous digital model browsing system mostly lack of “intuitive interface” and “visual depth”. It attempts to propose a digital model presentation space which includes intuitive interface and the visual depth. After analysis and planning, deicing to apply the concept of TUIs to design the intuitive interface and taking the use of 2D graph recognizing system to recognize the condition of marks. Applying VR CAVE to achieve the visual depth, and take two cameras to simulate the eyes of human to achieve stereo. The marks are design to be replace by requirement and could be recognized under the dark environment in VR CAVE. After the system finished and tested by ten subjects majored in architecture, we found out that the subjects all think that the system close to the physical model on intuitive interface and visual depth. But the digital model was excellent in material mapping and environment simulation; it made the subjects assented that it had potential for taking the place of the physical model. The system’s contribution is to propose a possibility of digital model browsing system, and makes many possible applications in the future.
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