標題: 台灣跨國企業與本地企業組織文化之比較研究:以廣告公司為例
An Examination on the Differences of Organizational Cultures between Transnational and Local Advertising Companies in Taiwan
作者: 葉淑貞
Shu-Chen Yeh
Shu-Chu Li
關鍵字: 組織文化;國家文化;Organizational Culture;National Culture
公開日期: 2003
摘要: 本研究以組織傳播學之詮釋取徑的觀點,來了解組織成員傳播互動過程中所形塑出的組織文化,並且針對美商跨國廣告公司與台灣本土廣告公司,以國家文化作為研究變項,探討中美國家文化對其組織文化的影響。研究方法主要採質化的深度訪談法,各訪談一家本土廣告公司與在台美商跨國廣告公司的組織成員,從受訪者的言說資料分析出組織文化主題,並且由這兩家廣告公司組織文化的差異與相同之處,歸結出受中美國家文化與產業文化影響的部份。
This study attempts to examine the relationship between national cultures and organizational cultures to understand how Chinese and American cultures influence organizational cultures in Taiwan’s advertising companies. Two advertising companies in Taiwan were chosen as the study sites; one is an American transnational company and the other is a Taiwan’s local company. Using the snowballing method, this study conducted 10 intensive interviews in each company to collect data for analyzing organizational cultures in the two companies.
The data analysis shows that national cultures did exert a great deal of influence on the organizational cultures of the two advertising companies. In particular, the characteristics of individualism and of power distance were able to differentiate the organizational culture of one company from that of the other company. More detailed findings were discussed in the thesis.


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