標題: 鉛筆素描大區塊長筆觸效應實驗
Experiences on using long strokes across large areas in pencil sketch
作者: 黃兆慶
Zhao-Qing Huang
Cheng-Chung Lin
關鍵字: 大區塊;長筆觸;large areas;long strokes
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 本篇論文提出對影像大區塊區域畫出長筆觸效果之作法,共分成三個步驟。1:找出影像中大區塊區域。2:在大區塊區域產生同一方向的長筆觸效果,非大區塊區域仍維持原本短筆觸效果。3:淡化大區塊區域,以突顯主體。 此論文所提作法的優點在於能夠改良筆觸長度都相同的問題,並且在筆觸方向也以更貼近常人繪畫的習慣處理。透過多個實驗產生本論文期望之結果,其效果是令人滿意的。
In this thesis, we present an approach that can generate long strokes across large areas in pencil sketch. This approach includes three steps. First, find the large areas in the image. Second, generate the same direction long strokes in the large areas, and generate short strokes in the other areas. Third, weaken the shades of the large areas to emphasize the main target. The contributions of this thesis are resolving the problem of using the same length strokes all over the image and making the direction of the strokes more versatile, and therefore bring about a more vivid visual presentation.


  1. 755401.pdf

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