标题: 台湾网通产业之宽频产品市场竞争策略分析-以明泰科技公司为例
A Strategy Analysis of Broadband Products in the Networking Communication Industry - A Case Study of Alpha Networks Inc.
作者: 吴柏青
关键字: 网通;宽频接取;蓝海策略;家庭网路;医疗照护;安全监控;车用网路;Networking communication;Broadband access;Blue ocean strategy,;Digital home;Healthy care;Surveillance;Automobile network
公开日期: 2007
摘要: 网路科技日新月异,是个人获取资讯的主要管道与企业的行销利器,每一阶段的技术创新都将带来崭新商业模式与更便利的生活方式。未来网际网路在"Everything over IP"的发展趋势下,“频宽”将会是未来发展的瓶颈。最近几年,因宽频接取DSL、光纤到家FTTH与WiMAX等技术渐臻成熟,家庭网路也因宽频接取技术的突破发展下,将会有大幅度的成长,掌握全球市场的商机与宽频产品的趋势,将会是网通宽频产业永续经营的策略与目标。
本论文专注于探讨与分析台湾网通宽频产业之产品策略规划与营运行销模式,并以专业网通公司明泰科技(Alpha Networks Inc.)为个案厂商,探讨固网与无线宽频产品于家庭网路中之应用趋势、发展策略方向。对台湾网通OEM/ODM制造商而言,如何在宽频接取技术快速演进的环境下制定公司的营运策略与产品规划方向,我们归纳出两大趋势。其一是对于宽频接取领先市场,由于多样化的营运服务,将以整合VOIP、IPTV、DLNA与FMC行动通讯等加值服务功能之整合型产品为主。另一趋势是对于新兴市场,因应电信自由化才刚起步的经营政策,将以低价、速度快之接取数据功能型产品为主,以吸引广大之上网人口,满足现阶段之需求。
Advances of modern network technologies have promoted personal information sharing and e-commerce. In each step of network evolution, new business models are invented and so are the new life styles brought by them. Since future trends reveal that everything will be over IP, we believe bandwidth will be a major bottleneck for the whole network society. In recent years, as broadband access technologies, such as DSL, FTTH and WiMAX, continue to evolve and become more mature, it is expected the market of home networking will also have a big growth. Therefore, the long-term strategies and goals of network industries will be how they can capture the global market and broadband product trends.
In this thesis, we focus on the study and analysis of Taiwan broadband network industries in terms of their product strategies and business models. Taking the case of Alpha Networks Inc, a professional networking company in Taiwan, we study how this company defines its product roadmaps of fixed and wireless broadband product lines of home networks. For Taiwan networking OEM/ODM’s, we come up with two trends regarding company strategy and product roadmap definition under the fast broadband access technology evolution cycles. Firstly, for highly developed markets, operators tend to provide products and services that integrate VoIP, IPTV, DLNA as well as value-added services with FMC mobile communications. The second observation is that, for emerging markets, operators tend to provide ultra low-cost and cost-effective broadband modems as their mainstream products in order to build the infrastructure with lowest possible costs.
In the case study of this thesis, we discuss new trends and business models of broadband industries. By using SWOT and Porter 5 Force analysis, we compare the strengths, weakness and potentials of Alpha and its competitors in Taiwan. Then, we analyze the current broadband market status in the worldwide. With the analysis, we propose our broadband product planning strategy as a suggestion to Alpha. The proposal is made with the viewpoints of broadband access technologies, global market demands as well as applications and services. From the perspective of Blue Ocean Strategy, we try to identify the Blue Ocean of Alpha’s future broadband product lines, such as home networking, healthy caring, surveillance and automobile networking. As to network industries, Blue Ocean itself represents a new technology, application and even a new market. Centered on the home networks, computers and TV sets can be combined together to provide digital contents and services to anyone at any place anytime in a family. In the end, we discuss Alpha’s roadmap planning and future opportunity from the angles of current broadband markets and technologies. In addition, we also discuss from customer’s point of view how Alpha can improve its add-on values and continue to stay competitive in the market.


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