標題: 經營電子商務網站的法律環境探討-以網路著作權侵權為例
A Study of Internet Law in Doing E-Commence Business-A Case of Online Copyright Infringement
作者: 夏松明
Sung- Ming Hsia
Wen-Chieh Wang
關鍵字: 網路著作權;網路侵權;電子商務法律;copyright;online copyright;copyright in the Internet;copyright infringement
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 近年來由於網路科技日新月異促使全球電子商務蓬勃發展,因而利用網路侵權、犯罪、盜版的現象日趨嚴重,網路已成為侵害智慧財產權的溫床。本文嘗試以電子商務網站所面臨的法律問題(如:管轄權、網路安全與電子簽章、電子商務契約、電子商務課稅、個人資料及隱私權保護等)及可能發生之網路著作權侵權(如:著作權、商標、網域名稱、專利等智慧財產權所造成之侵權問題)等相關議題探討,並以實際案例作輔助說明,期望給預期投入網路資源的企業或個人相關之法律參考。
Due to the rapid variability of information technology in internet industry enables global e-commence to upscale very soon, internet has become the major media, especially in online copyright infringement, internet crime and illegal copy. When doing e-commence business, there are lots of issues about the online copyright law (such as jurisdiction, security of network and electronic signature, click-wrap contract, internet taxes, personal information and privacy protection) and some possible infringements (such as copyright, trademark, domain name, patent) will occur. This article will discuss the above questions with reference to the international development and we will try to provide some suggestions to both someone and enterprise when doing business in e-commence.
Appears in Collections:Thesis