標題: 陸軍機構典藏系統使用者介面功能之研究
A Study of User Interface Functionality for Institutional Repository Systems in Army
作者: 朱文華
Chu, Wen-Hua
Ke, Hao-Ren
關鍵字: 機構典藏;使用者功能介面;陸軍機構典藏系統;institutional repository;user interface functionality;institutional repository systems in army
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 本論文試圖從相關文獻中,並參考著名之機構典藏系統(如DSpace、Eprints、Bepress)及歐美軍事機構典藏系統,歸納出陸軍機構典藏系統之使用者介面功能,分別有(1)典藏內容項目、(2)簡介與說明、(3)文獻瀏覽、(4)文獻檢索、(5)檢索結果、(6)加值服務、(7)數位版權管理(DRM)、(8)個人化專屬網頁管理、(9)意見回饋、(10)系統清單與統計報表等10個構面69小項使用者介面功能。再依此原則運用問卷調查及訪談法,以瞭解陸軍軍官對陸軍機構典藏系統功能的看法,回收有效問卷403份,經描述性統計、獨立t檢定、單因子變異數分析等統計方法,得出以下結論: 1. 陸軍軍官對陸軍機構典藏系統之使用者介面功能10個構面69小項,在分析結果中重要程度「很高」計有4項(μ>4.2)、重要程度「高」計有61項(3.4<μ<4.2)、重要程度「中等」有4項(2.6<μ<3.4)。69項均大於3分以上且平均值達3.88分,顯示本研究設計之各項使用者介面功能符合陸軍機構典藏系統需求。 2. 69項使用者介面功能中,除14項在9個背景變項中均無顯著性差異外,餘55項在9個背景變項中均有1個(含)以上的顯著性差異,分別為:性別9項、目前階級15項、服務年資15項、最高民間學歷14項、最高軍事學歷11項、目前單位屬性16項、目前職務屬性12項、使用軍網路的經驗21項、使用軍事網路的頻率21項。 本篇論文提出3點研究建議,以提供未來陸軍機構典藏系統建置或改版時的參考依據: 1. 研究設計之10個構面69小項使用者介面功能,均可納入建置需求項目。 2. 具顯著性差異性之背景變項,提供使用介面功能設計之網頁表現參考。 3. 陸軍機構典藏系統應結合數位學習系統,以擴大陸軍軍官之學習效益。 關鍵字:機構典藏、使用者功能介面、陸軍機構典藏系統。
This thesis attempts to propose the user interface functionality for institutional repository(IR) systems in army. The proposed functions are drawn from related literature, those of several famous IR systems (DSpace, Eprints, Bepress etc.) and several foreign military IR systems. All of the proposed functions can be divided into ten primary aspects, including (1) types of items stored in the system, (2) brief introduction and explanation of the system, (3) item browsing, (4) item searching, (5) search results, (6) value added services, (7) digital rights management (DRM), (8) personalized information management, (9) user feedback, and (10) system lists and statistics. These 10 aspects comprise 69 detailed functions in total. In order to know the essentiality and importance of those functions, this thesis conducts a questionnaire and interview to find out the army officers’ opinions. A total of 403 questionnaire responses is collected, and these responses are analyzed via descriptive statistics, independent t-test, One-way ANOVA, and so on. The following conclusions are drawn: 1、 According to the army officers’ opinions, among the 10 aspects with 69 detail functions in the user interface for IR systems in army, the analysis results show: 4 functions (μ>4.2) are ‘very important’, 61 functions (3.4<μ<4.2) are ‘important’, and 4 functions (2.6<μ<3.4) are ‘moderate important’. All 69 functions are above 3 points and the average value reaches 3.88 points, which shows that every user interface function proposed in this thesis is in accordance with the user requirements of IR systems in army. 2、 Among the 69 functions, 14 do not show significant differences in the nine background variables. On the other hand, other 55 are with one or more significant differences in the 9 background variables, including 9 in gender, 15 in current class, 15 in serving seniority, 14 in highest civil education level, 11 in highest military education level, 16 in current unit characteristic, 12 in current job position characteristic, 21 in the experience of using military network, and 21 in the frequency of using military network. The thesis proposes three suggestions as the reference for future construction or revision of IR systems in army. 1. All the proposed 10 aspects with 69 detailed functions of the user interface can be built into the IR system. 2. The background variables with significant differences can be used as the references for designing the presentation of user interface functionality. 3. A E-learning system should be integrated into the IR system for improving the study efficiency of military officers. Key words:institutional repository, user interface functionality, institutional repository systems in army.
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