標題: 台灣職業訓練單位之績效評估
Evaluation of Vocational Training in Different Organizations in Taiwan
作者: 李季芳
Lee Chi Feng
關鍵字: 職業訓練;效率評估;資料包絡分析法;Vocational training;Efficiency evaluation;Data envelopment analysis (DEA)
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 知識經濟發展之下,人力資本日形重要,職業訓練除了在職者訓練外,另須兼顧社會公義,強化弱勢國民就業能力,進行失業者及特定對象之訓練,也為各國對於失業者再就業之重點輔導工作之一,而其成效評估指標,台灣通常採取就業率、問卷調查結果為其主要指標,少以多投入多產出角度針對職業訓練績效作探討。本研究先透過資料包絡分析法(Data Envelopment Analysis;DEA),針對台灣地區「96年度職業訓練單位評鑑計畫」中受評鑑之280個訓練單位進行績效評估,探討投入之資源(訓練時數、單位配置人力與補助委辦經費),與產出的各項指標(就業學員數、結訓學員滿意度問卷調查結果與結訓學員數)間的效率表現,再以無母數檢定五個地區別的整體效率結果與法人、補習班、學校三種單位屬性之效率值差異,結果顯示這五個地區別的職業訓練單位之整體技術效率並沒有顯著差異存在;而三種屬性的職訓機構之整體技術效率存在非常顯著差異,法人單位之效率值顯著大於補習班與學校屬性,而補習班與學校則無顯著差異。
With the development of knowledge economy, human resources have become more and more important. Vocational training contains training of the unemployed and specific groups as well as in-service employees. Social justice and employability of the minority groups become the major parts of re-skilling in every country. The employment rate and satisfaction are often seen output indexes in the traditional literauture. However, little literature takes viewpoints of multi-inputs and multi-outputs. This research utilizes the data envelopemnt approach (DEA) to evaluate the effeciency of 280 training organizations listed in the Annual Evaluation Project of Vocational Training Organizations of 2007. Three inputs (time span, manpower, and funds) and three outputs (the number of employed trainees, satisfaction of the trainees, and the number of trainees) are considered in the DEA model. The nonparametric test is utilized to examine the efficiency differences among five individual areas and three different-attrutibute organizations (the corporation, cram school, and regular school). No significant difference exists in efficiency among the five areas. The efficiency of corporations is obviously higher than that of regular schools. However, there is no significant efficiency difference between cram and regular schools.