標題: Wii遊戲機的問世對女性電玩遊戲動機與觀感的影響
The Impact of Wii on Females’ Motives and their Impressions for Playing Video Games
作者: 陳芊君
Chen, chien-chun
Sun, Chuen-Tsai
關鍵字: Wii;電玩遊戲觀感;電玩遊戲動機;電玩遊戲;Wii;video games;impressions on video games;motives for playing video games
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 由於女性玩電玩遊戲的頻率及動機較男性低,所以大部分的電玩遊戲多是為男性設計且以男性玩家為主要目標市場。而任天堂於2006年推出的Wii遊戲主機,突破以往傳統電視遊樂器的思維,改以「運動、健身」為主要訴求,且在操作方式及行銷策略上都對女性釋放出極大的善意,這樣的改變的確對女性玩電玩遊戲的動機,以及她們對電玩遊戲的觀感造成了某種程度上的影響。研究顯示,Wii的確成功地吸引女性來參與它的遊戲,各年齡層的女性玩家中,最常玩Wii的比例都是最高的。Wii也對女性玩電玩遊戲的部分動機造成了顯著的改變,「運動效果」成了各年齡女性中玩電玩遊戲的主要動機!另外,31歲以上最常玩Wii的女性來說,以和「女性親人」及「男性親人」一起玩的比例最高,「家庭互動」也是她們參與電玩遊戲的主要動機之一。任天堂欲替Wii打造一種可以讓全家同享歡樂的印象,就本研究的結果而言,這似乎成功影響了31歲以上的女性消費者。多數受試者同意,透過玩Wii Sports的過程,可以幫助她們更了解運動的比賽方法及規則,甚至改變她們對運動的既有印象。最常玩Wii的女性對拳擊遊戲的正向觀感(運動效果)顯著高於較常玩其它遊樂器或是不玩電視遊樂器的女性。而從未體驗過拳擊遊戲的人,對拳擊遊戲的負向觀感(侵略性)則顯著高於有玩過電視遊樂器的人。這樣的結果可能暗示實際去參與遊戲,也許能讓參與者對遊戲或運動本身有更深刻的體認。Wii改變以往傳統電視遊樂器的內容訴求,提出了一個性別中立的題材,這對創造一個同時吸引男性及女性的電玩遊戲空間而言,不失為一個突破的起點,可以提供其它遊戲設計者參考,以期能建立更多女性的電玩遊戲正向經驗,並培養女性對科技能力的自信心與自在感,進而縮短性別中的數位落差。
Females play video games less frequently and show less interest in playing video games. Therefore, most video games have been designed for and marketed to males. In 2006, Nintendo adopted a different strategy. Nintendo’s Wii game console feature fitness and physical activity in order to expand the potential audience for games, including families, women and seniors. “Wii” indeed made some impact on females involved in games. According to the finding, Wii attract many females to play video games. For many females, increasing physical activity has become the most important motives on playing video games. Additionally, females aged over 31 years old who play Wii with their families usually. The interaction between them and their families when playing Wii is also the major motive on playing video games. Most female respondents agree that they can understand the rules and context of a sport by playing “Wii Sports”. Even change their original impressions on this sport. Females who do not play video games have more negative impressions (aggression) on boxing games than females who play video games. The content of Wii appeals to both men and women, it can provide an example to game designers. The challenge then is to create video games that can provide females for positive gaming experiences and perception of game related self-efficacy. That will be an opportunity to diminish digital gander-gap.


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