標題: 茶鄉婦女的勞動:以峨眉地區的採茶婦女為例
Female’s Works in a Tea Country-With the Case Study of E-mei.
作者: 黃怡菁
Yi -Ching Huang
Mei-Lin Pan
關鍵字: 峨眉;勞動婦女;勞動力;工作;生命史;E-mei;Working women;Labor;Job;Life history
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 台灣在半個世紀之前,社會與經濟的核心仍以農業社會為主,1960年代工業的快速成長,台灣成為高度發展的工業資本主義社會,在工業發展之後,男主外、女主內的家庭分工過程,造成女性不太容易進到職場找到一個全職的工作,若重新檢視邊際勞動力理論的概念就可以發現「工作」其實是一個狹隘而且男性的概念,經濟學者分析的勞動力市場並不把婦女勞動算在內,也因此,女性的勞動常常被當成視而不見的勞動力。本研究的研究主體–客家勞動婦女,其「勞動」有別於「工作」,因為勞動婦女是沒有下班時間而言的,其勞動配置卻支撐著勞動力市場日常生活所需。本文以深度訪談並以勞動為主題建構茶鄉婦女的生命史,從行動者的角度而言,其主動協商勞動的過程,表現在持續參與和實踐,並不斷的與現有的結構做協商,也表現在行動者在社會行動中思考抉擇的主動性。從微觀的層面來看兩代採茶婦女的生命史,所發現採茶婦女生命史常常與家庭生命週期交互影響,勞動環境也開拓女性的社交場域,多樣性的有酬勞動力是勞動配置的有力證明,研究者也從行動主體主動與協商的過程漸漸勾勒出茶鄉婦女的生命圖像。
Half a century ago in Taiwan, agricultural society was still the focus of society and economy. During 1960s with rapid industrial growth, Taiwan had become a highly developed industrial capitalism society. After industrial development, the division of labor in a family causes male members responsible for businesses outside of the family and female members for businesses inside. This trend contributed to a phenomenon that females were not easy to find a full-time job in the job market. While reviewing the concept of “Female Marginalization Theories”, it is found that “job” is actually a constricted and masculine concept. The labor market analyzed by economists does not include female labors; thus, female labor is often considered an invisible labor. The research subjects of this study are Hakka working women; their “labor” is different from “job” since working women do not have time-off from their work while their labor disposition supports life necessity of the labor market daily. With an in-depth interview, the purpose of this paper is to study life history of females in a tea country based upon the theme of working labor. From the perspective of actors, the labor process of active negotiation indicates continuous participation and practice; the constant negotiation with existing structure also suggests the activeness of thinking choice in social actions for actors. From micro-level observation of the life history of tea-picking women for two generations, it is discovered that life history of tea-picking women often interacts with their family life cycle; labor environment also expands social field for females. A variety of labor force with pay is a powerful proof of labor disposition. Researchers may also sketch a life image of working women in a tea country through active and negotiated process by the subject of actions.


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