標題: 挑戰領導品牌競爭策略的形成與執行 - 以A科技公司為例
A Competition Strategy to Challenge the Market Leader - A Case Study of the Company “A”
作者: 陳崇濤
Tsung-Tau Chen
Po-Young Chu
L. P. Hsu
關鍵字: 工業性產品;市場佔有率;價值曲線;顧客需求分析模型;競爭策略;industrial product;market share;value curve;customer value analysis model;competition strategy
公開日期: 2003
摘要: 本論文以個案研究的方法,針對個案公司因應特定工業性產品的銷售與市場領導品牌之間的競爭,所發展出來的競爭策略及執行方案等進行探討。並從研究結果中,整理出一個顧客需求分析模型,和挑戰領導品牌競爭策略發展的程序及執行的配套方案範例。 研究結果顯示,要挑戰市場領導品牌的領先地位,的確不是一件容易的事,但是也不是一件不可能達成的任務。一般而言,市場領導通常擁有較充裕的資源,如果競爭雙方的市場佔有率相差很大,弱勢的一方採取直覺式全面競爭的方式,絕對不是一個明智之舉,甚至有可能導致全軍覆沒。比較可行的方案是從瞭解顧客的需求著手,去發現顧客如何應用產品,為什麼顧客偏好競爭對手的產品,找出顧客價值,集中資源,爭取特定區隔的顧客,再以這個區隔為基礎,向外擴張增加市場佔有率。 本研究中所發展出來的顧客需求分析模型,可以應用於發展工業性產品競爭策略。顧客需求分析模型將工業性產品的顧客分為已擁有該產品的既有顧客和從來不曾擁有該產品的潛在顧客。並將該產品依照產品的應用特性分類,既有產品指的是目前已廣泛在市場上銷售的產品,適用於現有的技術;進階產品則是指因應新興高階技術而導入市場的進階產品。顧客需求分析模型是以顧客 (既有vs潛在) 為橫軸和產品(既有vs進階) 為縱軸的矩陣。矩陣有四個象限;既有顧客+既有產品、既有顧客+進階產品、潛在顧客+既有產品、及潛在顧客+進階產品。依據顧客需求分析模型中四個象限的區隔,深入分析顧客購買產品的需求,就可以推導出相應區隔的競爭策略。
This thesis is a case study of a competition strategy of an industrial product from a high tech company to challenge the market leader. It includes the development process of the competition strategy and its execution tactic programs. A customer value analysis model is developed to facilitate the strategy formulation. The study shows to topple the market leader of a product is really not an easy job. However, it’sneither absolutely impossible. In general, industrial goods deserve high customer loyalty. If there is a big gap in market share, it is not wise to challenge the market leader without focus. That is because the market leader usually has much more resource to fight back challenges. To challenge market leader blindly would run out of the challenger’s resource which leads the challenger to perish. On the other side, if the challenger would start from understanding how customers using its product, identifying customer values, repositioning itself and focusing its resources to serve targeted customers, it is possible to increase its market share. In the study, a customer value analysis model is developed. The model categorizes customers into existing customers who have already owned target products and potential customers who have never owned the target product yet. The model further categorizes product as well into existing products which are in the market now to serve current technologies, and enhanced products which are new to market to serve new technologies. With the developed customer and product matrix, the customer value analysis model divides the market into four scenario including existing customers-existing products, existing customers-enhanced products, potential customers-existing products, and potential customers-enhanced products. The model and the four segmentations facilitateanalyzing how customers are applying the target product to their business. And together with customer value, it is possible to develop right competition strategies to challenge the market leader.
Appears in Collections:Thesis