標題: 電子報服務的客戶參與之研究
Customer Participation in E-News Service
作者: 李朝功
Lee, Chao-Kung (Phoebus)
Lee, Jin-Yuan
關鍵字: 資訊不對稱;參與;電子報;服務;策略;Information asymmetry;Participation;E-news;Service;Strategy
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 摘 要 根據理論:服務的消費行為中,依消費者在察覺、興趣、慾望及行動的順序,經由回饋的系統可測知消費者參與與否。此外,由於資訊的不對稱,服務之提供者與消費者間必有認知差距。由於前述理論的驗證皆基於歐美國家,至於其他文化與社會結構不同的地區是否成立遂有實證研討的空間。是故驗證非歐美國家似屬必須,因而本研究便針對新興工業化的中華民國台灣地區作實證研究。實證作法是針對該地區電子報服務的讀者參與現象進行比較分析。 實證結果顯示:一.消費者興趣與行動間關係是顯著正向的,所以可以經由回饋系統測知消費者的參與;二.服務者與消費者間的認知差距也是存在的。 另外在實務上附帶的發現是,本地區新聞報電子化仍只是輔助性手段,並未有取代新聞報紙本報的跡象。
ABSTRACT According to theories: Consumer’s participation behavior in service is based on awareness, interest, desire, and action sequences of consumer behavior feedback system. Beside that, there is a gap between service provider and receiver against expectation due to information asymmetry. These theories are generated based on studies in European and USA. It is imperative through empirical study to find out if above theories are the same in countries with different culture and social background. This study is focused on customer intentions and participation behavior in e-news service at NIC-Taiwan. Research results imply that: 1.There is a positive with significant relationship in interest and action behavior. But there is no significance difference between different intention. Thus, participation is observed through feedback system; 2. There also exist a gap between service provider and receiver against expectation. In conjunction with empirical study we find: In Taiwan, E-news is a tactic of supplement and could not replace tangible news paper.


  1. 181001.pdf
  2. 181002.pdf
  3. 181003.pdf

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