標題: | 裁判書內容分析及詮釋資料設計之研究 A Study on the Content Analysis and Metadata Design of Court Decisions |
作者: | 林筱瓴 Lin, Hsiao-Ling 柯皓仁 Ke, Hao-Ren 資訊學院數位圖書資訊學程 |
關鍵字: | 裁判書;詮釋資料;都柏林核心集;檢索系統;法資訊學;Court decisions;Metadata;Dublin core;Retrieval system;Legal Informatics |
公開日期: | 2009 |
摘要: | 法律乃社會最重要之規範,裁判則是法院依據法律對爭訟之具體事實所為宣示,瞭解判決先例有助於瞭解法律運作。裁判書的數量龐大,如何有效地使用,已成為各國法資訊學研究的重要課題之一。本研究提出裁判書之詮釋資料著錄規則,希望可透過結構及格式化文件表達裁判書內容,以利其使用。 本文以內容分析法研究裁判書應著錄法定事項及其他內容,包括撰寫的格式及特色,並且觀察我國、美國、歐盟、德國及日本裁判書檢索系統,瞭解其功能及欄位,作為設計我國裁判書詮釋資料及裁判書檢索系統之基礎,以期成為裁判書資訊化之濫觴。格式化之裁判書可依系統需求,達到資訊檢索、檔案管理、國際交換等功能,亦可成為未來電子法庭檔案格式之基礎。 Law is the most important rule in the society. Court decisions are declarations made by courts according to law for specific controversies; therefore, understanding court decisions helps to understand how law works. How to use enormous court decisions efficiently becomes an important topic of legal informatics. We try to set up the schema of court decisions metadata to help court decisions become structural and formatted documents. This study conducts content analysis to reveal the items and contents which should be described by court decisions. The sytle and form of writing court decisions are also analyzed. Retrieval systems of court descision in Taiwan, US, EU and Japan are also observed for their function and fields so as to design the metadata on court descision and retrieval system of court decisions suitable for Taiwan; furthermore, the proposed design attempts to become the spearhead system of hierarchical formatted information of court decisions. Formatted Court decisions can be developed to achieve the functions of information retrieval, file management or international record exchange. It also can become the rudiment of file format for oncoming electronic courts. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/40467 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |
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