標題: 傳播媒體數位典藏「後設資料」分析之研究
A Study of Metadata Analysis on Digital Archives of Media
作者: 曾欣怡
Hsin-yi Tseng
Dr. Liang-wen Kuo
關鍵字: 後設資料;詮釋資料;欄位;多媒體資料庫;都柏林核心集;metadata;element;multimedia database;Dublin Core
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 傳播媒體的數位化物件類型相當多元化,涵蓋了純文字、動態影像、靜態影像、聲音等等不同的媒體特性,如能進一步針對各類型媒介,選擇具代表性案例,建立一套具有共識的欄位體系以適用於多媒體影音環境,將對於新聞傳播相關資料庫的整合多有裨益,亦可加速便利使用者檢索資料的時間。   本文將觀察與分析國內外新聞傳播類相關網站與資料庫之欄位與分類架構,以有系統地發展出一套媒體內容的數位資料之建置準則為目標;並採用疊慧法發送問卷請領域內的專家協助建立欄位的共識,加入深度訪談來釐清在Metadata欄位建置與規劃上,使用者和管理者的角色任務。 研究結果顯示,在執行新聞傳播的多媒體資料庫欄位篩選和類目建置時,應有跨越各類型資料的準則可依循,媒介本身的特性是考量該媒介欄位的首要目標;以都柏林核心集為核心欄位,延展出適於各種媒體和屬於該媒體特有的欄位。
The types of media digital objects are quite diversified, including many different media properties, for example, texts, motion states, static states, and sounds. If at least one typical case can be further studied in terms of each medium so as to build up an element system applied to multimedia conditions, it will be good for the integration of media databases. We will observe and analysis the elements and a bracket framework of websites and databases which are related to mass communication in this thesis, aiming at systematically developing a standard for digital media archives. The Delphi Method is to be used in the study, which means questionnaires will be delivered to the experts in this domain to find a common view. Also, in-depth interviews can clear the users’and administers’missions in establishing and planning metadata elements. This study shows that when we engage in element sieving and category building for multimedia databases, a universal principle for all spheres needs to be followed. The characteristics of the media are the first consideration in finding the elements. We take the Dublin Core as a core element which in turn expands to some other common elements suitable for all media and some unique elements suitable for typical media.


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