DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorLin, Li-Fengen_US
dc.contributor.authorJau, Wen-Chenen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究以高速公路清水服務區為案例,評估服務區既有建築物與 基地現況是否符合2009年版EEWH-NC及LEED-NC綠建築評估系統之 規定、探討EEWH-NC系統對於既有建築之適用性、並提出服務區既有 建築物符合綠建築標準之改善建議,另以LEED-NC系統觀點給予 EEWH-NC系統適切建議。 以EEWH-NC評估系統分析,研究案例現況可通過綠化量(不考慮 植栽覆土深度)、水資源與污水及垃圾改善三項指標,CO2 減量與廢棄 物減量指標均未符合標準亦無法改善,此二項指標並不適用於既有建 築物,其它指標項目均需改善後始可符合,若執行建議改善方案可獲 得銅級綠建築標章。以LEED-NC評估系統分析,發現案例現況因國情 不同,致符合指標項目較少且得分偏低,但仍可透過改善獲得合格 級。 對於現行EEWH-NC系統應用於既有建築建議如下,一、免除CO2 減量指標及廢棄物減量指標之評估;二、綠化量指標,對已種植兩年 以上且生長良好之成樹,免除覆土深度之查核;三、日常節能指標, 對於高度人潮聚集之大型百貨商場類場所,放寬冰水主機容量限制, 以免在熱環境下舒適度不足或因主機過度使用降低壽命之虞;四、對 於一公頃以上之基地開發,建議參考LEED作法,儘量降低人為破壞以 保有原始地貌或植栽,不刻意營造仿自然的生物棲地,以避免過多破 壞自然再營造自然的設計手法。 最後,針對目前現行的EEWH-NC評估系統建議如下:一、擴大 EEWH-NC評估系統涵蓋範圍,將既有建築物納入綠建築評估系統中; 二、在指標評分上避免綜合性判斷評分項目,以免評審委員之主觀看 法影響評分結果;三、在法規制訂及修改過程應更開放,提供網站及 線上論壇讓更多專家、學者及相關從業人員貢獻寶貴建議。 關鍵字:綠建築、綠建築九大評估指標、既有建築、EEWH、LEEDzh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn this study, the existing building of Qing-Shui service area was evaluated with EEWH-NC 2009 ed., and LEED-NC 2009 ed. green building evaluation system. The applicability of EEWH-NC for existing building was addressed. Suggestions on improvement of Qing-Shui service area to meet EEWH evaluation system were proposed. Suggestions on EEWH-NC evaluation system were made by comparing EEWH with LEED. Belows were EEWH-NC evaluation results. There were 3 evaluation items passed, one was making green (without “soil cover depth”), another was water resource, and the other was improvement on sewage and garbage. The evaluation items of CO2 emmision reduction and construction waste reduction were not used, since this is an existing building and was not in the construction stage. These two items are not suitable for existing building. Other items can be passed after improvements. It will pass EEWH copper lable after improvements. The evaluation results based on LEED were failed due to low score and failed on prerequisite item. Some items of LEED-NC are not suitable in this case. However, it will pass the LEED certified level after improvements. iv Suggestions for applying EEWH-NC to existing building were stated as belows. Firstly, the evaluation items of CO2 emmision reduction and construction waste reduction should be removed. Secondly, to remove the rule of “soil cover depth” for well growing trees over two years is suggested. Thirdly, to remove the constraint on maximum air conditioner capacity in energy saving for large existing department store building with high occupany rate is suggested. The constraint may affect the life cycle of air conditioner and the thermal comfort of occupants and customers. Fourthly, adopt the idea “site-development-protect or restore habitat” from LEED rather than the current practice “destroy-then-build” in Taiwan. This way, the existing green field can be preserved/restored and the biodiversity can be maintained naturally. Finally, the differences between EEWH-NC and LEED-NC evaluation systems were studied. Suggestions on EEWH-NC were listed as belows. Firstly, extending the coverage range of EEWH-NC to EEWH-EB to include existing buildings. Secondly, comprehensive evaluation items should be avoided in EEWH due to subjective opinions of different evaluators. Thirdly, it should be more open-minded when making and modifying the evaluation system. This can be done by collecting valuable ideas from experts, scholars and those who work in green building industry using enhanced networked platforms and forums. Key words: Green Building, Green Building Evaluation System, Existing Building, EEWH, LEEDen_US
dc.subjectGreen Buildingen_US
dc.subjectGreen Building Evaluation Systemen_US
dc.subjectExisting Buildingen_US
dc.titleImprovement on Existing Building to meet Green Building Evaluation System---A Case Study on Qing-Shui Service Areaen_US