標題: 展場消費者行為與利益區隔市場分析─以台北世貿為例
A Study of Consumer Behavior and Benefit Segmentation of participants of a Trade Exhibition─The Case of Taipei World Trade Center
作者: 邱駿翔
Jen-Hung Huang
關鍵字: 展場消費者行為;利益區隔;Consumer Behavior of participants of a Trade Exhibition;benefit segmentation
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 在台灣,各大主題性展覽舉辦的越來越頻繁,從一開始的家電展,傢俱展,到最近的美食展,動漫展,以及本研究的主題-電腦展等。展覽所帶來的龐大人潮與商機,更是不可忽視。而由於展覽特性,造成商品選比性強烈,各廠商在短兵相接的情況下,了解消費者需求,進行市場區隔,並以不同的行銷手法配合不同的目標市場,以獲得最大的行銷效益,乃為本篇主要議題。 本研究以目前台灣最具規模之台北世界貿易中心為研究對象,並以實際參與過電腦展之消費者所追尋的期望利益當作市場區隔的基礎;先以因素分析萃取出構面因素,再以集群分析將消費者做區隔,並將區隔後之消費集群以多變量分析,卡方檢定來探討各區隔集群在人口統計變數與消費者行為變數上之差異性,藉此了解各區隔市場之消費特性,以供行銷策略佈局之參考。 在研究結果中顯是展場消費者可由期望利益變數分出有效的市場區隔,分別是『感受主導一切』集群、『時尚專業玩家』集群、與『逛街打發時間』集群、而各集群間在人口統計變數,資訊來源與消費行為上皆有顯著差異。 對於此三集群的行銷建議分別如下:『感受主導一切』集群應加強員工訓練與服務過程,提高顧客滿意度,配合低價或促銷策略以提升消費意願;『時尚專業玩家』集群應以最流行,品質較高之產品為訴求,配合加值功能策略,如分期付款,來刺激此集群消費慾望;『逛街打發時間』集群雖然本身購買意願低落,但是能藉由他們參與活動的高度興趣,設計一連串的宣傳活動,營造出門庭若市的感覺來吸引其他消費者。
In Taiwan, the thematic exhibition is increasing frequency those years, from the beginning of the home appliances exhibition; Furniture, to recently food fair; Comic Con, and the subject of this study - computer exhibitions…etc. Exhibition exactly brought huge crowds and business opportunities in the market. Base on product features and market situation to design the suitable marketing plan and on demand sales kit for customers, exhibition becoming the major platform to communicate with end users to get the maximum voice and exposure in the market. This study is not only taking Taipei World Trade Center – the major and the biggest exhibition center in Taiwan as the role model; but also reference from people’s fair actual participation experience as my analysis source. To use customer’s expectation to define the market segmentation; the structure factors then cluster analysis to differentiate the consumer and the consumer segment after multivariate cluster analysis, chi-square test was used to investigate the cluster of all segments of consumer behavior in the demographic variables and variables on the differences, to understand Among the three segments of the consumer characteristics, marketing strategy for the layout of the reference. In my study results showed that the consumer can be expected by exhibition and separate the interests of effective market segmentation in variables : 『emotion cluster』『fashion professional players』, and『shopping clusters』, each cluster between demographic variables, sources of information and consumer behavior significantly associated. My marketing recommendations for these three clusters are as follows:『emotion cluster』should strengthen staff training and service processes, improve customer satisfaction, with low or promotional strategies to enhance consumer willing; 『fashion professional players』should be the most popular cluster , demand for higher quality products to meet the value-added features strategies, such as hire purchase, to stimulate consumer desire for this cluster; 『shopping clusters』despite their low desire, but can participate in activities through their high level of interest design a series of publicity activities to create a sense of crowds to attract other consumers.