標題: 供應鏈管理之供應商評估、選擇與績效監督
Vendor Evaluation, Selection and Performance Monitoring in Supply Chain Management
作者: 林雅廸
Lin, Ya-Ti
Yu, Hsiao-Cheng
關鍵字: 委外代工製造;外包;供應鏈管理;詮釋結構模式;網路分析程序法;VIKOR;Outsourcing;Supply Chain Management;ISM;ANP;VIKOR
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 委外代工製造是目前全球營運模式的主要趨勢,其中,供應商的評估、選擇與績效監督是影響委外代工製造成敗的關鍵因素,並被定義為多準則決策問題。此類的多準則決策問題通常包含許多可能會交互影響的評估構面、準則與次準則,但目前個別的研究方法不易同時滿足解析準則間的交互影響關係、分配權重與方案排序等需求。因此,本論文之研究目的為建立一個複合式評選架構與方法,以詮釋結構模式法解析各評估準則之交互影響關係,依此作為網路分析程序法之計算基礎,以獲得較精確之評估準則權重配置,並完成評估架構。最後,應用VIKOR(VlseKriterijumska Optimizacija I Kompromisno Resenje)法,在考量準則間資源運用相互競爭的情況下,以最佳妥協解之方式,將候選方案進行排序,透過複合式的方法克服現有個別研究方法之限制。此外,過去針對供應商評選的研究較少延伸到績效管理,但供應商的評選準則應該與績效管理結合,如此方能確保供應商注重的方向與公司的營運策略一致。因此,本研究進一步將供應商評選準則的研究內容延伸,將其結合資訊與網路技術,建構出概念性的即時供應商績效管理機制與系統,以補足過去相關研究之不足。由於台灣半導體產業的專業分工與委外代工營運模式已臻成熟,各次產業在全球半導體產業鏈中均位居要角。其中,積體電路測試屬於專業分工中重要的一環,目的在於確保最終產品之品質。因此如何評選與管理測試外包供應商,是影響IC設計與半導體產品公司營運的重要因素。本研究以台灣某IC設計公司為個案,示範如何應用本研究所提出之複合式供應商評選架構與方法及即時供應商績效管理機制。此實證研究之過程除可提供產、學界參考外,其結果之分析與建議也可協助個案強化其供應商評估、選擇與績效管理之品質,並可作為其他企業之重要參考。
Outsourcing manufacturing is a trend in today’s global business operations. Vendor evaluation, selection and monitoring are essential factors that affect outsourcing operations performance and thus have been determined as a multiple criteria decision making (MCDM) problem. The purpose of this dissertation is to propose a hybrid MCDM technique to relieve the limitations of existing solutions to better resolve the complex and interactive vendor evaluation and selection problem, of which can determine the interrelationships amongst all the evaluation criteria by the Interpretive Structural Modeling (ISM) Method and thus support the Analytic Network Process (ANP) method to arrange appropriate weights to each criterion and sub-criterion in the evaluation model by summarizing the opinions from the experts. Next, the VIKOR method is implemented to evaluate and select the most suitable vendor from all alternatives by compromising the conflict amongst all evaluation criteria. In addition, the real-time vendor performance management, which was not covered in the past vendor selection studies, is also crucial after the selection process. In order to cover such deficiency, this research further establishes an efficient conceptual mechanism to tackle this issue. This research also takes Taiwan semiconductor industry as a case study to demonstrate the proposed solution. Taiwan semiconductor industry is the largest provider in global market. It is vertically disintegrated and outsourcing is a main stream practice. Wafer and IC testing are critical manufacturing steps in the semiconductor supply chain that distinguish whether the IC can meet the specifications. Consequently, it is vital to establish a thorough model for selecting the testing vendors to ensure the success of the outsourcing operation. A Taiwan IC design company selects its testing outsourcing vendor by using the proposed MCDM technique that is demonstrated. The research results and proposed solution enhance the quality of decision making. Furthermore, not only can it be referred to by the semiconductor companies, but other companies in different industries as well. Therefore, they can improve the vendor selection quality and achieve a higher performance and satisfaction level.