Title: CPSMS-跨平台主機管理系統
CPSMS-Cross Platform Sever management System
Authors: 郭明傑
Ming-Chieh Kuo
Wen-Nug Tsai
Keywords: 資料庫;主機管理;Database;Server Management
Issue Date: 2005
Abstract: 穩定有效率與簡潔主機管理是一項艱鉅又繁雜的工作,隨著現今企業資訊化的普及程度與日聚增,主機管理人員必須要有大量完整的資訊,才能順利達成即時的任務。然而管理或收集不同平台主機上的資料,並利用其特性來協助增進主機的利用率成為主機管理人員的另一項挑戰。 企業內常常因為不同的軟硬體解決方案需求,會使用不同的硬體與作業系統的主機,監控這些異質的平台的主機成了相當煩雜的日常管理工作。如何有效的整合這些不同平台主機的資訊、透過單一的整合介面進行主機的管理、提供清晰易懂的報表給主機管理人員、並在主機或服務發生問題時、及時通知相關的管理者進行處理,也可利用資料收集協助管理者作為事前的預防與事後異常分析的參考,即成為本論文之主要目的。 最後我們藉由資料庫來建置一套跨平台主機管理系統,整合企業內不同的平台主機所提供的資料,讓管理者可以非常容易的取得所需的資訊以做出最有效率的判斷,另外也可透過外掛模組的方式與微軟的SMS作結合,並透過本系統達到即時的錯誤回報。
A steadily efficient and succinct server management is a tough challenge. Server administration needs a large amount of intact information to fix an issue immediately and smoothly since the amount of enterprise’s information has been increasing dramatically, It has, therefore, become another challenge for server administration to manage or collect different platform data of servers and to improve server utilization. Monitoring these heterogeneous platforms is yet another complicated task since enterprises would tend to use different hardwares or operation systems for solutions. The main purpose of this thesis is to integrate these heterogeneous platforms by intergrating interface to provide administrators with accurate and clear report as well as notify them in time when a system goes down; and to help administrators prevent from systems going down as well as provide them with analysis by collecting the data through the systems. Finally, we build an Cross Platform Management System to intergraded different platform Server by database. Through the information which they easy to get, administrators can make effectively policies, configure server simply and report abnormal server status.
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