標題: 農村經濟與社區營造—大湖草莓園區與薑麻園產業發展的比較研究
Rural Economy and Community Empowerment︰A Comparative Study of the Local Developments of Da-hu`s Strawberry Garden and Jiang Ma Yuan
作者: 陳琇君
Chen, Hsiu-Chun
Chuang, Ya-Chung
關鍵字: 組織網絡;社會資本;社區營造;地方產業;比較研究;organization network;social capital;community empowerment;local industries;comparative study
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 農村地區的產業發展一直以來與當地社會的組織網絡有著密切的關係,在苗栗縣大湖鄉的草莓文化園區與薑麻園是近年台灣農村發展的重要典型,然而,兩地區產業發展的模式卻十分不同,本研究企圖利用社會學的組織網絡理論與社會資本來分析比較大湖草莓文化園區與薑麻園產業發展的模式。 研究結果發現草苺文化園區的組織網絡是以農會為核心,由上而下如上級傳達指令的階層形式與網絡中的各行動者互動,農會雖屬於NGO組織,卻含有濃厚的政治性,影響了草莓文化園區組織網絡與產業發展的穩定性,無法形成強大社會資本。反觀薑麻園地區,在「薑麻園故鄉營造產業觀光協會」的整合下,從早期封閉傳統的血緣基礎社會網絡轉型成社區發展的網絡關係,並動員社區居民參與薑麻園各大小文化節慶與社區產業的發展,累積了龐大的社會資本存量,帶領著薑麻園獲得台灣十大經典農漁村的殊榮,也奠立了苗栗社區營造的重要典範。由兩個地區的發展可以發現,薑麻園的成功模式在於以協會為核心,由下而上動員並凝聚社區共同參與的意識,不斷的透過社區與產業活動累積了社區網絡的認同、信任、互惠與規範機制,使得薑麻園的社會資本存量是先建立在本身社區網絡的穩固,當這樣內生性基礎建立,地方產業發展才能朝向永續經營。
The economic development in rural areas is always closely related with the organization network in local society. Strawberry Garden and Jiang Ma Yuan in Dahu Township, Miaoli County, are two of the important models for Taiwan’s rural development in recent years. However, the patterns of development are quite different between these two villages. This study attempts to apply the network and social capital theories to analyze and compare the patterns of local development between Dahu`s Strawberry Garden and Jiang Ma Yuan. In view of research results, this thesis finds that the farmers’ association is the core of organization network in Strawberry Gardrn, from the top down. It interacts with each operator by using the stratified style, the superiors passing their orders to their subordinates. Although, the farmers’ association is an NGO, it possesses great politicity, which has influenced the stability of organization network and development in Strawberry Garden. On the contrary, in Jiang Ma Yuan, under the integration conducted by “Jiang Ma Yuan Homeland Empowerment and Industrial Tourism Association of Miaoli County”, the close and traditional blood ties have been transformed into the network relation of community development. In addition, this association has mobilized the residents to participate in various cultural festivals of Jiang Ma Yuan. Examining the difference between the developments in these two areas, this thesis finds that the successful pattern of Jiang Ma Yuan to utilize the association as the core to conduct all-out mobilization joint participation for all communities establish the stability of community. Once such endogenous basis is established, the local economy can move toward the sustainable operation then.


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