標題: 車輛行走之軌跡預測及後輪循跡輔助修正
Trajectory Prediction and Tracking with Rear-wheel Secondary Compensation
作者: 江家栩
關鍵字: 軌跡;預測;循跡;補償;trajectory;prediction;tracking;compensation
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 當車輛行走於雪地、碎石等路況不良的情況下,往往容易因為輪胎打滑而使得車輛偏離駕駛所希望的軌跡,釀成意外。近年來以控制器為基礎的主動式安全系統逐漸受到重視,使得駕駛者在主動式安全系統的輔助之下,能夠安全、穩定的行駛於嚴峻的路段。 本文嘗試以軌跡的概念來修正車輛行駛發生打滑時的誤差,以『動座標軌跡預測』預測出車輛未來的軌跡,並使用後輪輔助轉向來進行補正。透過即時的預測、運算、及補償,使得駕駛者在路況不良發生打滑時,能夠容易的使車輛回到原來的軌跡之上。
When a vehicle travels under dangerous road conditions, such as snowy or water flooding conditions, the expected trajectory will be disturbed by the tire skiddings. In recent years, active safety systems based on micro controller win in importance. This paper proposes a skidding correction idea, which takes the feature of trajectory into consideration. First, the future trajectory is predicted by 『Trajectory prediction with dynamic coordinates』. Then, the error is corrected by『Tracking with rear-wheel compensation』. The proposed idea can assist the vehicle back to the original trajectory easily with the real-time prediction, calculation, and compensation.
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