標題: 以田口氏方法與變異數分析探討貧油與制振下深孔鑽之加工品質
Taguchi Method and Analysis of Variance Discuss Processing Quality of Deep-Hole Drilling on Minimal Quantity Lubrication and Suppress Vibration
作者: 陳進益
Chen, Chin-Yi
Chin, Jih-Hua
關鍵字: 深孔鑽;田口法;貧油;制振;deep-hole drilling;Taguchi method;minimal quantity lubrication;suppress vibration
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 本論文主要探討BTA深孔鑽的加工品質,我們分別以圓孔真圓度與表面粗糙度來評定工件品質。更進一步地,我們討論切削液流量對加工品質的影響。 實驗規劃以田口法進行配置,並利用統計的方法加以分析。經實驗結果顯示可以加工岀較好的工件品質,而切削液流量確實可以減少且對加工品質的影響不大,可達到節省成本及減少污染的目的。
This research discuss the processing quality of BTA deep-hole drilling, and we review the quality of workpiece by roundness of holes and surface roughness, respectively. Further, we discuss that influence of flow of cutting fluid on processing quality. Taguchi methods and statistical techniques are used in experimental layout, in the analysis of various parameters. The experiment results show that we can get better quality and the flow of cutting fluid can reduced indeed. The influence of flow of cutting fluid is too small on processing quality. We have achieve the goal of save the cost and reduce pollution.