Title: | 公共工程施工品質管理制度問題與因應對策之研究 Study on Problems of the Public Construction Quality Management System and Proposed Solutions |
Authors: | 周本泰 Chou, Been-Tai 陳春盛 Chen, Chuen-Sheng 工學院工程技術與管理學程 |
Keywords: | 公共工程施工品質管理制度;品質;品質管理;評鑑;Public Construction Quality Management System;Quality;Quality Management;;Assessment |
Issue Date: | 2003 |
Abstract: | 公共工程品質水準可謂衡量國家開發程度的指標,我國公共工程施工品質未臻理想,向為大眾所詬病,實乃肇因於國內公共工程執行時諸多不合理或不健全的因素所致,如主辦工程機關缺乏專門技術與監造單位監工不力,及承包商採被動、消極的方式管制施工工程的品質等,而工程品質之提昇不易,亟需藉由建立制度化的「公共工程施工品質管理制度」來改善目前的施工環境。 為提升公共工程品質管理,民國八十二年行政院公共工程委員會積極推動「公共工程施工品質管理制度」,以期建立完善的品質管理系統,確保公共工程施工品質,並於民國82年10月訂頒「公共工程施工品質管理制度」,希望藉由推行此制度以提升國內公共工程施工品質。 自83年下半年起至89年12月相關部會及省市政府,已辦理完成十二次公共工程施工品質管理及評鑑工作,提出公共工程品質年執行計畫,並於85年12月及86年1月分別公布實施公共工程施工品質之管理作業要點與評鑑作業要點,期使參與實際工程施工之工程人員,均能以系統化方式來落實品質管理提升國內工程建設品質至應有之水準,進而達到提升公共工程品質之目的。 本論文研究係為配合政府政策,針對各主辦工程機關及承包商執行工程施工品質管理制度之現況進行瞭解與檢討,並藉著參與歷次工程施工品質評鑑所得結果,統計分析施工品質管理系統與施工工程品質管制系統之優劣情形,比較工程專責單位與非工程專責單位執行品質管理成果之差異,藉以提出亟待改進之問題與對策,同時對民生工程施工品質提出具體的躍升方案,冀使良好之施工品質紮根至地方基層的每一個角落,進而讓公共工程成為國家經濟發展及民眾生活改善之基礎。 冀望本研究所提出之施工品質管理之問題與對策或提昇方案,除能全面提昇工程施工品質外,並可提供未來相關研究之參考,並做為進-步建立具前瞻性國際標準(ISO 9000品質系列)之品質保證模式。 It may be said that the level of public construction quality is an index for measuring the extent of national development. Not a few of the public works in Taiwan are of sub-standard quality. Contributing factors are many, such as lack of specialized technical know-how on the part of the owners, inadequate supervision by the responsible organizations, and the passive, insipid ways in which the contractors control the quality of construction. The improvement of this woeful state of affairs calls for the strict enforcement of the "Public Construction Quality Management System." In order to promote public construction quality, the Executive Yuan Public Construction Committee positively pushed ahead with “Public Construction Quality Management System” in 1993 and promulgated it in October the same year, expecting to set up a flawless quality management system to ensure public construction quality. In the period between the latter part of 1994 and December 2000, the ministries concerned and various local governments carried out quality assessments of public works 12 times, and announced their own annual evaluation plans. The Executive Yuan in December 1996 and January 1997 also announced "Guidelines for Public Construction Quality Management" and "Guidelines for Public Constructions Quality Assessment" respectively. It was anticipated that through such measures the engineering personnel participating in the projects would endeavor to raise the quality of the works to the desired standards by following the guidelines strictly and in a systematic way. This paper reviews the current work done by the various sponsoring agencies and contractors in regard to the construction quality management system. By analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of the quality management system and quality control system with reference to the findings of assessments performed before, the results of quality management done by specialized and non-specialized entities are compared. Problems that need to be dealt with urgently are pointed out and their solutions suggested. Furthermore, a plan is proposed for accelerating the improvement of quality of works which are closely related to the living needs of the people, in the expectation that this improvement would spread and extend down to the grass-roots level to lay a solid foundation for sustained economic development and betterment of the general living conditions in Taiwan. It is hoped that, besides serving as reference for future similar studies or providing a quality assurance mode for the ISO-9000 series, the problems raised and solutions and improvement plan proposed in this paper would be helpful to the overall improvement of construction quality of public works in Taiwan. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/42190 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |