標題: 同儕互動群體下的設計創造力模型
A design creativity model for peer-group interactions
作者: 陳姿汝
Liu, Yu-Tung
關鍵字: 設計創造力;群體設計;案例分析;口語分析;design creativity;group design;case study;protocol analysis
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 創造力是來自多元的互動過程,而設計被認為與創造力有很大的相關性,設計活動即是一個追求創意的思考過程,也強調群體互動的重要性。然而,在設計研究領域中,甚少探討有關設計師在設計過程中,與其他設計師互動對創造力所造成的影響,而從專家設計師的實務經驗中可以發現,他們花了很多心思和時間在與特定領域的專家顧問和同儕的互動交流上,可見在設計活動中,與群體互動的重要性。因此,本研究主要欲探討,在設計群體中的個人創意思考,是如何與同儕群體的創意思考互動,其又會對群體創造力造成什麼樣的影響,影響歷程為何。由於先前研究尚無適合的「設計領域之群體創造力」的相關理論模型,因此,本研究目的希望先從幾個群體設計的案例觀察與分析中,依此提出一個「群體設計創造力之模型」。 本研究方法分為兩個步驟來進行,第一步驟先以觀察與案例研究的方式對兩個實際的設計案例進行初步觀察,形塑出群體互動的設計創造力初期模型;第二步驟再以口語分析實驗的方式對群體設計過程的認知思考做更細部的討論,最後提出一個同儕互動群體下的設計創造力模型。而本研究結果解析了設計師和設計師之間的互動影響,不但能對了解群體的創造歷程會有幫助,且設計師若能認知到自己與他人的創意互動影響,對於設計師本身提出具創意的問題解決方案時,可能也會因為對群體創意思考有更多的了解,而更能掌握自身的創意思考模式。
Creativity comes from diverse interaction processes. There is great correlation between creativity and design activities. They all pursue the goal of creative thinking and emphasize the value of group dynamics. In design practice it could be found that expert designers spent a lot of time and efforts on talking with the specific consultants and peers. This showed that it was important to interact with each other in design activities. However, in the design field, few researchers discussed the effect of the interaction among designers on creativity in a group design process. Therefore, the paper would like to research what the creative process of peer-group interactions is and how the sharing of the design ideas influences the creative thinking of the designers in a peer-group. The objective of this research is to get a design creativity model for peer-group interactions from a pool of empirical data. The methodologies and steps in this study were divided into two main parts. Step one used the method of observations and case studies to observe two practical design cases and shape a preliminary design creativity model of group interaction first. The second step is to discuss the detail cognitive process in a design group using protocol analysis and then build a final design creativity model for peer-group interactions. The results are to understand the interaction of creative thinking in a group. It is useful not only for people to realize the process of group creativity, but also for designers to master their own creative thinking in the process which is interacted with others.


  1. 681501.pdf
  2. 681502.pdf
  3. 681503.pdf

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