標題: 使用高分子基材建立一電容式超音波換能器
Fabrication of a Capacitance Micromachined Ultrasonic Transducers (CMUTs) by Using Polymer Material
作者: 蘇煜翔
Su, Yi-Hsiang
Chang, Yi Edward
關鍵字: 微機電;電容式換能器;超音波;高分子;MEMS;Capacitance transducers;Ultrasonic wave;Polymer
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 採用電容型式的超音波換能器,是目前在超音波發射與偵測元件上最新的研究,此一最新的應用,突破許多傳統上使用壓電材料型式的超音波換能器的限制,克服壓電型式換能器的介面與氣態傳輸介質及液態傳輸介質間,阻抗數量級差異過大造成難以匹配的現象。除此之外,電容型式的超音波換能器,其優勢還包含,機電特性間的轉換效率也較高、可自行設計的頻率範圍大、靈敏度高、解析度佳等優點。
The thesis is to fabricate a polymer-based capacitance micromachined ultrasonic transducer by MEMS technology. The capacitance transducer has a dimension of 11*11mm2 with 70*70 cells inside. Each cell has a diameter of 120μm, membrane diameter of 100μm, top electrode of 70μm, membrane thickness of 1.5~3.5μm, and air gap of 2μm. The transducer is proposed to fabricate by lithography and sacrificial layer methods. The gold is used for sacrificial layer to create air gap structure. The copper and ITO is used for top and bottom electrode. The transducer include membrane, and post structure are made of polymer photoresist SU-8 3000.
From the measure result we can observe that, when the inputs are around 50V DC, device can detect till fifth echo response, and the first maximum amplitude is 350 mV at 3.5μm membrane thickness.
There are many benefits for a polymer-based capacitance ultrasonic transducer. The polymer-based capacitance ultrasonic transducer can be applied in the consumer electronics, biomedicine and many engineering areas.