標題: 生態系統中恢復率的計算
Computations of Recovery Rates in Some Ecological Systems
作者: 李柏瑩
Lee, Bo-Ying
Shih, Chih-Wen
關鍵字: 恢復率;環境恢復力;臨界慢化;recovery rate;ecological resilience;critical slowing down
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 生態系統中變化的發生往往沒有明顯的徵兆。因而需要一個有效的方式以預測變化的發生。近來眾多研究者提出環境恢復力的下降可提供變化即將來臨的預兆;但是,在實際上環境的恢復力是難以量測的,於是需要一些間接的指標以測量環境的恢復力。最近的一些研究文獻顯示臨界慢化是一個良好的環境恢復力的指標。在這篇報告裡頭我們運用分析以及數值的方法刻劃了幾個關於捕食者與獵物模型,三個物種的食物鏈模型,以及基因控制模型的結果。這些結果將引領我們預測在更多物種的生態學模型或真實世界變化的發生。
Transitions in ecological systems often occur without apparent warning. Thus an effective way of prediction is in strong demand. Recent researchers proposed that decreasing ecological resilience can signal an upcoming transition. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to measure the resilience in practice. Therefore, we need some indicator to measure it. Some recent works in the literatures investigated that critical slowing down is a good indicator of ecological resilience. In this report, we use analytical and numerical methods to characterize several results about two-species generalized predator-prey model, three species food chain model, and generic control system. These results can lead directly to predict more complex systems in ecology or real world.


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